VB.Net-C# integration


Madhuri Mittal

I have a ASP.net application written in VB.Net which is
the main application. I have another ASP.net application
written in C#. I want to integrate the C# project files
into the VB.net project ( without having to convert C#
code to VB.net ) . The C# project contains few aspx pages
and couple of C# utility classes.

What would be the best way to integrate the C# files into
VB.net project and run these successfully within the
ASP.net app?


Madhuri Mittal

Daniel Bass

you should be able to just add your C# files to the project, and as long as
the <%@ Page directive specifies the file and language in the code behind
page, you should have no problem.

Kevin Spencer

You can't put them in the same project. But you can have 2 projects that are
in the same solution.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Complex things are made up of
lots of simple things.

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