vb.net and crystalreportviewer solution

  • Thread starter Thread starter rob
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Hi Everyone,

I have a project which will migrate crystal report from vb to .net,
and I decided to use vb.net and crystalreportviwer. However I have the
code with vb6 like (using crystl32.ocx)

with .crystalreport
.sqlquery = 'mysql query is here'
.action = 1

this to do the query from my odbc settings.

How to use this kind of way in crystalreportviewer?


Hi Cor,
Thank you for your replying.
This is very good example and I have learned something from it. I
have another question for you regarding the crystalreportviewer, for
example in vb6 i will do
with rpt
.action =1 'do the report loading
.sqlquery = select ** from *** where .... ' this will do the
runtime query from my ODBC settings.

At the first part of program user has login in program with ODBC
settings. I need to get solutions that how crystalreportviewer uses
runtime sql to do the report loading. I have finished like:

parameterfield.fieldname ='***'
parameterfield.add ... 'Add the pareameterfield value

How to get parameterfields and SQL QUERY to do the report loading
based on ODBC, or you can give me some sample code.

Thanks a lots