vb.net and c#

  • Thread starter Thread starter benru.liao
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Is there anything that C# can do it and Vb.Net Can't ?

I am a VB6 programmer, and I want to study the VB.Net.
But I am confused with Vb.Net and C#.
any suggestion for me?
From the programming point of view, there is hanrly anything which C# can do
and VB.NET cannot.

This is because the services are rendered by the .NET framework and the
languages are simply a mechanism to implement these services.

This question has been asked many many times and it boils down to this...

Functionality is handled by the .NET Framework, which all .NET languages
Implementing that functionality is a matter of the language that interacts
with the Framework. C# & VB.NET offer 99.999% equal abilities in this

Bottom line: In .NET, you pick your language based on your personal
each languages have some feature not available to others.

for exemple C# as build in syntax to use the various integer type (short,
byte, ulong, etc..)
whereas in VB you've got to object and special casting function.

I *believe* VB.NET has also problem to define new custome attribute
(although I read it, but can't understand why).

On the other I've read that VB.NET, as MC++ as indexed property (like
a.b), whereas C# support only indexing the object itself.

VB.NET seems also quite more verbose that C#, better to have a big screen to
be able to read long VB.NET lines of code.

It's difficult to do exhausting comparison as I have used VB.NET only for
2~3 days overall.
Lloyd, your comments are more of a comparison in form, not function.
for exemple C# as build in syntax to use the various integer type (short,
byte, ulong, etc..)
whereas in VB you've got to object and special casting function.

The .NET Framework uses a Common Language Specificaiton (CLS) which contains
a Common Type System (CTS), which assures us that no matter what language
you use, the data types will be the same. How you get to a specific type is
just a matter of the language syntax.
VB.NET seems also quite more verbose that C#, better to have a big screen
to be able to read long VB.NET lines of code.

Again, this is just a comparision of form, not function. Some people like
the clarity of VB, rather than the (according to some people) cryptic nature
of C#.

As I said, it just boils down to preference. Yes, there are a few minor
differences in capabilities, but for most people, they are irrelevant.