VB.net 2008 ??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason
  • Start date Start date


What version is the next version of Visual Basic? Is it VB 2008 or VB
9? Also, I think that Visual Studio 2008 comes out at the end of Feb.
2008, will just the stand alone VB product be available then also?

What version is the next version of Visual Basic? Is it VB 2008 or VB
9? Also, I think that Visual Studio 2008 comes out at the end of Feb.
2008, will just the stand alone VB product be available then also?

VB2005 = VB 8.0
Already out now

VB2008 = VB 9.0
Launching Feb along with VS2008 but available before that to MSDN subscripbers
and the like. Possibly from around December according to the last I heard
from Scott Guthrie

The terms as VB7-10 etc are Microsoft internal development names for the
language itself.

The terms as 2002->2008 are productnames.


The terms as VB7-10 etc are Microsoft internal development names for the
language itself.

The terms as 2002->2008 are productnames.


In addition to Cor, my opinion is that the terms like VB7 or VB9
should not be used to refer to versions of the .Net framework versions
of Visual Basic. This is for two reasons:

1) Confusion. As you already noticed, each version of VB has multiple
names. For example, the following are all commonly used ways of saying
which version of Visual Basic .Net is being used:

- VB2002 - VB?.? - .Net 1.0
- VB2003 - VB7.0 - .Net 1.1
- VB2005 - VB8.0 - .Net 2.0 & .Net 3.0
- VB2008 - VB9.0 - .Net 3.5

Having all these different ways to refer to a version just makes
things difficult. To me, you should refer to a version as the ide
year, and the framework version. Such as "I am using Visual Basic 2005
with .Net framework 3.0" Most people should recognize immediately what
you are talking about.

2) Inference of a likeness to "classic" VB. Unlike some people may
state, Visual Basic .Net is a completely new language, and not just an
update to the "old" Visual Basic (VB1 - VB6). Personally, I believe
referring to the .Net versions as VB7 or VB8 gives others the
impression that these versions are only extensions to the classic
Visual Basic.

Just my 2 cents....


Seth Rowe
Any idea on pricing for this product?

I don't think VS2008 has been assigned a price yet (not due out till
Feb 27, 2008 I believe), but I suspect it will be similar to the other
versions. Also note you can (usually) download the scaled back Express
editions for free.

BTW, here's the price guide:



Seth Rowe
What are the major limitations of the express version compared with
the full version? With the express can I compile programs, make
EXE's what can't I do with the express?
I think its mainly templates and stuff to make coding easier thats
missing... one of the express versions for 2005 I thought it prevented
making DLL files or something? I forget been using pro for ever!
Is there actually a stand alone VB.net 2005 or 2008 product for
purchase? All I can find is the free express edition.

There should be done more effort to issolate VB6 in my idea. Now a lot of
people (managers) have the idea that VB 2008 is a successor of that.

All the bad image of VB.Net comes from VB6. C# is definitly better then
that, while VB.Net is in my idea better then C#, however who knows that,
only true developpers.

Yuk Cor

You step on my VB soul
All the bad image of VB.Net comes from VB6. C# is definitly better then
that, while VB.Net is in my idea better then C#, however who knows that,
only true developpers.

VB6 a bad image ? why it suited its purpose , VB6 was at its time a True RAD
wich C++ was obviously not , so people who compare these 2 do not know
where they are talking about in the first place , and yes it is true that
VB6 was compared to C++ and blown away by the so called power of C++ lots of
things could not be done in VB6 that could be done in C++ however people
forgot that i could deliver data aware applications to my customers in
sometimes a few hours or days while the C++ people were developing for weeks
and could not deliver stable progs ( yes in practice i have done lots of
these projects also against Delphi proggers by the way )

It was always funny to notice the reaction from people ( ict managers of
hughe companys ) when they discovered that the company that could deliver on
time with a functional program were the end users were verry pleased with ,
that had a installation package that could be used by the end user , that
costed a fraction of the product of concurent company`s , and that was
verry flexible with alterations after release , actually was written in VB 6

Untill today i still call myself a VB programmer wheteher it is VB < Net or
VB.Net i have never understood why people have such a aversion against VB
i can Program Delphi , C++ and C# to however VB is the language that i feel
myself most at home with .

The same as why i prefer MS SQL server against MYSQL and Oracle my Transact
SQL is just a lot bether

It stays funny that C# has become a buzz word , for my previous company i
once wrote a file renamer ( small app with nice gui ) for internall use when
i installed it at some managers desk ( data entry supervisors ) and told it
was a C# program i was inmediatly treated like a guru cause i could code C#

You see the same thing happening with Oracle and MS- SQL where Oracle = C++
and MS SQL = VB i have written data tasks that blew Oracle to shreds
but in the eyes of the management Oracle was the bether database for the
task .

In my personal opinion they are all just tools best suited for a certain
task one is nut just by definition bether as the other

And the best thing of .Net is that you can mix them together so you get the
power of VB RAD with a C# library fact is that there are lots of powerfull
C# libs out there cause they are ported from Java , C++ , Delphi

True solution developpers know when to use wich tool even if it is not
there own personal preference

just sharing my thoughts about this


And what is that you wrote in contradiction to what I did?

Probably only your perception.

Please, read it again, but then with another eye on it.


VB6 a bad image ? why it suited its purpose , VB6 was at its time a
True RAD wich C++ was obviously not , so people who compare these 2
do not know where they are talking about in the first place , and yes
it is true that VB6 was compared to C++ and blown away by the so
called power of C++ lots of things could not be done in VB6 that could
be done in C++ however people forgot that i could deliver data aware
applications to my customers in sometimes a few hours or days while
the C++ people were developing for weeks and could not deliver stable
progs ( yes in practice i have done lots of these projects also
against Delphi proggers by the way )

It was always funny to notice the reaction from people ( ict managers
of hughe companys ) when they discovered that the company that could
deliver on time with a functional program were the end users were
verry pleased with , that had a installation package that could be
used by the end user , that costed a fraction of the product of
concurent company`s , and that was verry flexible with alterations
after release , actually was written in VB 6 !!

Too many classic VB programmers lacked proper computer science training.
They scripted together application that consisted of sphagetti events
and code.

Moving to .NET, these programmers failed to upgrade their skills and
continued to write procedurally in an object oriented language.

VB6 programmers also tend to focus on the GUI rather than the structure
of the code... I have to deal with it at work all the time. <sigh>

I'm sure there are good VB6 programmers... but the ones I met... oh god.
Too many classic VB programmers lacked proper computer science training.
They scripted together application that consisted of sphagetti events
and code.

This sounds as a phrase of a person who did this study and believes that
every person who has not done this study is a lesser programmer, ever heard
of autodidactism ? well i am one

My code was reviewed by severall externall bureaus and i never got anny
and yes i did projects for serious company`s that were so important that
every line of code was checked and double checked before it could be tested
in production environment

And yes i have also seen bad coding from people with a , C , C++ , Delphi
etc etc etc background
and to be honnest i have seen bad coding from people who hold university
degrees in computer sciences

For me a person who has studied is a person who holds the basic knowledge
to maybe become a good coder

Okay VB has a broad comunity of wannabe coders i agree with that but as long
as they now there place there is nothing wrong with that
it would be a problem if these people are defining the standards in a
Moving to .NET, these programmers failed to upgrade their skills and
continued to write procedurally in an object oriented language.

Every coder should always upgrade there skills, otherwise his knowledge wil
get outdated and he wil get of the market wich in the end wil solve the
problem :-)

just my opinion

Well Cor

The pain felt was about this
All the bad image of VB.Net comes from VB6. C# is definitly better then
that, while VB.Net is in my idea better then C#, however who knows that,
only true developpers.

I missed the part that you can`t compare VB6 this way that is why i filled
the blanks in my reaction on yours :-)


True and us end users have to deal with sods that have well structured
programs and lousy gui's
Well said.

I'd only add that IMO I think *early* experience (early teens) with any
computer language (preferably with some low level... Assembly, C, etc... not
macros) is more important than a CS degree and way way better than
later(relatively) in life vocational training (which I've been seeing a lot
of lately). All the best programmers I know have been coding since they were
13. In my hiring experience, the CS BS/BA degree holders who never touched a
piece of code until they got into college are some of the worst non-creative
thinking programmers I've ever met (I'm sure there are exceptions).