In VB.NET 2005, the ADO.NET provide TableAdapter for Developer eaily code
query and parameter query by "Query Builder".
I can build a single parameter or multi parameters SQL Query by using "Query
(WHERE ClientCode = @ClientCode ....etc)
But how about if I wanna to build a programmatic SQL statament,
say if the User select ClientCode and OrderType buttom on UI,
I will processing the SQL statment as: WHERE ClientCode ... AND OrderType
if the User select ClientCode and OrderType and Status, the SQL statement
now processing as:
WHERE ClientCode ... AND OrderType .... AND Status ......
Is that anyway to code the above SQL by "Query Builder" in TableAdapter !?
query and parameter query by "Query Builder".
I can build a single parameter or multi parameters SQL Query by using "Query
(WHERE ClientCode = @ClientCode ....etc)
But how about if I wanna to build a programmatic SQL statament,
say if the User select ClientCode and OrderType buttom on UI,
I will processing the SQL statment as: WHERE ClientCode ... AND OrderType
if the User select ClientCode and OrderType and Status, the SQL statement
now processing as:
WHERE ClientCode ... AND OrderType .... AND Status ......
Is that anyway to code the above SQL by "Query Builder" in TableAdapter !?