The provider is specified in the connection string. There is no
AccessClient namespace.
To connect to access, do the following:
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Dim conStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =" &
Dim cmdStr As String = "SELECT blah FROM blah..."
Din con As New OleDbConnection(conStr)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(cmdStr, con)
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
If dr.HasRows
Do While dr.Read
'You can now extract field information from the current record
using: dr.Item("fieldName")
End If
Catch ex As OleDbException
'Handle exceptions here
End Try
Alvin Bruney said:
You should connect using the access provider. I believe but not sure it
is as the namespace you need to import to get to
the classes. From that point, the connections, command objects are the
same as any other connection to another database. so you could
potentially google for connection code and copy paste it in your
solution, and change the provider to use the access providers and it
should just work
Alvin Bruney - ASP.NET MVP
[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
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john smith said:
Hi all I hope someone can help me. I am new to VB.NET I am trying to
connect to an access database from a windows form and it is driving me
nuts, could anyone lay it out for me?
thanks all