I have developed a small arcade game with the help of a few VB books. A
scoring system was implemented in the design of the game but I as hoping
that some one would be able to instruct me on how display the score at the
end of the game. At the moment when a player finishes the game I have a
window displaying "Puzzle Solved." If I could display the players score
under this in the same window would be great.
This is a quick copy and paste of a sample the entire game.
I just need a way to display the score in a box. If anyone can help it would
be great!
Public Class SudokuPuzzle
'used to represent the values in the grid
Private actual(9, 9) As Integer
'used to represent the possible values of cells in the grid
Private possible(9, 9) As String
'indicate if the brute-force subroutine should stop
Private BruteForceStop As Boolean = False
'used to store the state of the grid
Private ActualStack As New Stack(Of Integer(,))()
Private PossibleStack As New Stack(Of String(,))()
'store the total score accumulated
Private totalscore As Integer
'backup a copy of the Actual array
Dim actual_backup(9, 9) As Integer
Public Function GetScore() As Integer
Return totalscore
End Function
' Steps to solve the puzzle
Private Function SolvePuzzle() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean
Dim ExitLoop As Boolean = False
Do 'Look for Triplets in Columns
Do 'Look for Triplets in Rows
Do 'Look for Triplets in Minigrids
Do 'Look for Twins in Columns
Do 'Look for Twins in Rows
Do 'Look for Twins in Minigrids
Do 'Look for Lone Rangers in Columns
Do 'Look for Lone Rangers in Rows
Do 'Look for Lone Rangers in
' Minigrids
Do 'Perform Col/Row and
' Minigrid Elimination
changes = CheckColumnsAndRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Lone Rangers in
' Minigrids
changes = _
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Lone Rangers in Rows
changes = LookForLoneRangersinRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Lone Rangers in Columns
changes = LookForLoneRangersinColumns()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Twins in Minigrids
changes = LookForTwinsinMinigrids()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Twins in Rows
changes = LookForTwinsinRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Twins in Columns
changes = LookForTwinsinColumns()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Triplets in Minigrids
changes = LookForTripletsinMinigrids()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Triplets in Rows
changes = LookForTripletsinRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Triplets in Columns
changes = LookForTripletsinColumns()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End Try
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
' Calculates the possible values for all the cell
Private Function CheckColumnsAndRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'check all cells
For row As Integer = 1 To 9
For col As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(col, row) = 0 Then
possible(col, row) = CalculatePossibleValues(col, row)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End Try
If possible(col, row).Length = 1 Then
'number is confirmed
actual(col, row) = CInt(possible(col, row))
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 100
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Calculates the possible values for a cell
Private Function CalculatePossibleValues( _
ByVal col As Integer, _
ByVal row As Integer) _
As String
Dim str As String
If possible(col, row) = String.Empty Then
str = "123456789"
str = possible(col, row)
End If
Dim r, c As Integer
'Step (1) check by column
For r = 1 To 9
If actual(col, r) <> 0 Then
'that means there is a actual value in it
str = str.Replace(actual(col, r).ToString(), String.Empty)
End If
'Step (2) check by row
For c = 1 To 9
If actual(c, row) <> 0 Then
'that means there is a actual value in it
str = str.Replace(actual(c, row).ToString(), String.Empty)
End If
'Step (3) check within the minigrid
Dim startC, startR As Integer
startC = col - ((col - 1) Mod 3)
startR = row - ((row - 1) Mod 3)
For rr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For cc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
If actual(cc, rr) <> 0 Then
str = str.Replace(actual(cc, rr).ToString(), String.Empty)
End If
'if possible value is string.Empty, then error
If str = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
Return str
End Function
' Look for lone rangers in Minigrids
Private Function LookForLoneRangersinMinigrids() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
Dim NextMiniGrid As Boolean
Dim occurrence As Integer
Dim cPos, rPos As Integer
'check for each number from 1 to 9
For n As Integer = 1 To 9
'check the 9 mini-grids
For r As Integer = 1 To 9 Step 3
For c As Integer = 1 To 9 Step 3
NextMiniGrid = False
'check within the mini-grid
occurrence = 0
For rr As Integer = 0 To 2
For cc As Integer = 0 To 2
If actual(c + cc, r + rr) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(c + cc, r + rr).Contains( _
n.ToString()) Then
occurrence += 1
cPos = c + cc
rPos = r + rr
If occurrence > 1 Then
NextMiniGrid = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If NextMiniGrid Then Exit For
If (Not NextMiniGrid) AndAlso occurrence = 1 Then
'that means number is confirmed
actual(cPos, rPos) = n
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 200
End If
Return changes
End Function
'Look for Lone Rangers in Rows
Private Function LookForLoneRangersinRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
Dim occurrence As Integer
Dim cPos, rPos As Integer
'check by row-
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For n As Integer = 1 To 9
occurrence = 0
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains(n.ToString()) Then
occurrence += 1
'if multiple occurrence, not a lone ranger anymore
If occurrence > 1 Then Exit For
cPos = c
rPos = r
End If
If occurrence = 1 Then
'--number is confirmed
actual(cPos, rPos) = n
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 200
End If
Return changes
End Function
'Look for Lone Rangers in Columns
Private Function LookForLoneRangersinColumns() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
Dim occurrence As Integer
Dim cPos, rPos As Integer
'-check by column-
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
For n As Integer = 1 To 9
occurrence = 0
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains(n.ToString()) Then
occurrence += 1
'if multiple occurrence, not a lone ranger anymore
If occurrence > 1 Then Exit For
cPos = c
rPos = r
End If
If occurrence = 1 Then
'--number is confirmed
actual(cPos, rPos) = n
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 200
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Twins in Minigrids
Private Function LookForTwinsinMinigrids() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'look for twins in each cell
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
'if two possible values, check for twins
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 2 Then
'scan by the mini-grid that the current cell is in
Dim startC, startR As Integer
startC = c - ((c - 1) Mod 3)
startR = r - ((r - 1) Mod 3)
For rr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For cc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
'for cells other than the pair of twins
If (Not ((cc = c) AndAlso (rr = r))) AndAlso _
possible(cc, rr) = possible(c, r) Then
'remove the twins from all the other possible
' values in the minigrid
For rrr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For ccc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
If actual(ccc, rrr) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(ccc, rrr) <> _
possible(c, r) Then
'save a copy of the original
' possible values (twins)
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(ccc, rrr)
'remove first twin number from
' possible values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second twin number from
' possible values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are
' modified, then set the changes
' variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells
' in the minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> _
possible(ccc, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to
' empty string, then the user has
' placed a move that results in
' the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, rrr) = _
String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value
' for the current cell, cell is
' confirmed
If possible(ccc, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, rrr) = _
CInt(possible(ccc, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 300
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Twins in Rows
Private Function LookForTwinsinRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each row, check each column in the row
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
'if two possible values, check for twins
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 2 Then
'--scan columns in this row
For cc As Integer = c + 1 To 9
If (possible(cc, r) = possible(c, r)) Then
'remove the twins from all the other possible
' values in the row
For ccc As Integer = 1 To 9
If (actual(ccc, r) = 0) AndAlso _
(ccc <> c) AndAlso (ccc <> cc) Then
'save a copy of the original possible
' values (twins)
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(ccc, r)
'remove first twin number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second twin number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then
' set the changes variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells in the
' minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(ccc, r) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, r) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the
' current cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(ccc, r).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, r) = CInt(possible(ccc, r))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 300
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Twins in Columns
Private Function LookForTwinsinColumns() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each column, check each row in the column
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
'if two possible values, check for twins
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 2 Then
'--scan rows in this column
For rr As Integer = r + 1 To 9
If (possible(c, rr) = possible(c, r)) Then
'remove the twins from all the other possible
' values in the row
For rrr As Integer = 1 To 9
If (actual(c, rrr) = 0) AndAlso _
(rrr <> r) AndAlso (rrr <> rr) Then
'save a copy of the original possible
' values (twins)
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(c, rrr)
'remove first twin number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second twin number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then
'set the changes variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells in the
' minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(c, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(c, rrr) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the
' current cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(c, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(c, rrr) = CInt(possible(c, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 300
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Triplets in Minigrids
Private Function LookForTripletsinMinigrids() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'check each cell
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
' three possible values; check for triplets
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 3 Then
'first potential triplet found
Dim tripletsLocation As String = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
'scan by mini-grid
Dim startC, startR As Integer
startC = c - ((c - 1) Mod 3)
startR = r - ((r - 1) Mod 3)
For rr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For cc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
If (Not ((cc = c) AndAlso (rr = r))) AndAlso _
((possible(cc, rr) = possible(c, r)) OrElse _
(possible(cc, rr).Length = 2 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, rr)(0).ToString()) AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, rr)(1).ToString()))) Then
'save the coorindates of the triplets
tripletsLocation &= cc.ToString() & rr.ToString()
End If
'--found 3 cells as triplets; remove all from the other
' cells
If tripletsLocation.Length = 6 Then
'remove each cell's possible values containing the
' triplet
For rrr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For ccc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
'look for the cell that is not part of the
' 3 cells found
If actual(ccc, rrr) = 0 AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(0).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(1).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(2).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(3).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(4).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(5).ToString()) Then
'save the original possible values
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(ccc, rrr)
'remove first triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'remove third triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(2), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then
' set the changes variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells in the
' minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(ccc, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, rrr) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the
' current cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(ccc, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, rrr) = CInt(possible(ccc, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 400
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Triplets in Rows
Private Function LookForTripletsinRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each row, check each column in the row
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
' three possible values; check for triplets
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 3 Then
'first potential triplet found
Dim tripletsLocation As String = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
'scans columns in this row
For cc As Integer = 1 To 9
'look for other triplets
If (cc <> c) AndAlso _
((possible(cc, r) = possible(c, r)) OrElse _
(possible(cc, r).Length = 2 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, r)(0).ToString()) AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, r)(1).ToString()))) Then
'save the coorindates of the triplet
tripletsLocation &= cc.ToString() & r.ToString()
End If
'--found 3 cells as triplets; remove all from the other
' cells
If tripletsLocation.Length = 6 Then
'remove each cell's possible values containing the
' triplet
For ccc As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(ccc, r) = 0 AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(0).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(2).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(4).ToString()) Then
'save the original possible values
Dim original_possible As String = possible(ccc, r)
'remove first triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = _
possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = _
possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'remove third triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = _
possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(2), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then set
' the changes variable to true to indicate that
' the possible values of cells in the minigrid
' have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(ccc, r) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, r) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the current
' cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(ccc, r).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, r) = CInt(possible(ccc, r))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 400
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Triplets in Columns
Private Function LookForTripletsinColumns() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each column, check each row in the column
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
' three possible values; check for triplets
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 3 Then
'first potential triplet found
Dim tripletsLocation As String = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
'scans rows in this column
For rr As Integer = 1 To 9
If (rr <> r) AndAlso _
((possible(c, rr) = possible(c, r)) OrElse _
(possible(c, rr).Length = 2 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(c, rr)(0).ToString()) AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(c, rr)(1).ToString()))) Then
'save the coorindates of the triplet
tripletsLocation += c.ToString() & rr.ToString()
End If
'--found 3 cells as triplets; remove all from the other cells
If tripletsLocation.Length = 6 Then
'remove each cell's possible values containing the
' triplet
For rrr As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, rrr) = 0 AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(1).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(3).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(5).ToString()) Then
'save the original possible values
Dim original_possible As String = possible(c, rrr)
'remove first triplet number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = _
possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second triplet number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = _
possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'remove third triplet number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = _
possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(2), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then set
' the changes variable to true to indicate that
' the possible values of cells in the minigrid
' have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(c, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(c, rrr) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the current
' cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(c, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(c, rrr) = CInt(possible(c, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 400
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Find the cell with the small number of possible values
Private Sub FindCellWithFewestPossibleValues( _
ByRef col As Integer, ByRef row As Integer)
Dim min As Integer = 10
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length < min Then
min = possible(c, r).Length
col = c
row = r
End If
End Sub
' Solve puzzle by brute force
Private Sub SolvePuzzleByBruteForce()
Dim c, r As Integer
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 500
'find out which cell has the smallest number of possible values
FindCellWithFewestPossibleValues(c, r)
'get the possible values for the chosen cell
Dim possibleValues As String = possible(c, r)
'randomize the possible values-
'push the actual and possible stacks into the stack
ActualStack.Push(CType(actual.Clone(), Integer(,)))
PossibleStack.Push(CType(possible.Clone(), String(,)))
'select one value and try
For i As Integer = 0 To possibleValues.Length - 1
actual(c, r) = CInt(possibleValues(i).ToString())
If SolvePuzzle() Then
'if the puzzle is solved, the recursion can stop now
BruteForceStop = True
'no problem with current selection, proceed with next
' cell
If BruteForceStop Then Return
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 500
actual = ActualStack.Pop()
possible = PossibleStack.Pop()
End Try
End Sub
' Check if the puzzle is solved
Private Function IsPuzzleSolved() As Boolean
Dim pattern As String
Dim r, c As Integer
'check row by row
For r = 1 To 9
pattern = "123456789"
For c = 1 To 9
pattern = pattern.Replace(actual(c, r).ToString(), String.Empty)
If pattern.Length > 0 Then
Return False
End If
'check col by col
For c = 1 To 9
pattern = "123456789"
For r = 1 To 9
pattern = pattern.Replace(actual(c, r).ToString(), String.Empty)
If pattern.Length > 0 Then
Return False
End If
'check by minigrid
For c = 1 To 9 Step 3
pattern = "123456789"
For r = 1 To 9 Step 3
For cc As Integer = 0 To 2
For rr As Integer = 0 To 2
pattern = pattern.Replace( _
actual(c + cc, r + rr).ToString(), String.Empty)
If pattern.Length > 0 Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
' Randomly swap the list of possible values
Private Sub RandomizeThePossibleValues(ByRef str As String)
Dim s(str.Length - 1) As Char
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim temp As Char
s = str.ToCharArray
For i = 0 To str.Length - 1
j = CInt((str.Length - i + 1) * Rnd() + i) Mod str.Length
'swap the chars
temp = s(i)
s(i) = s(j)
s(j) = temp
Next i
str = s
End Sub
' Generate a random number between the specified range
Private Function RandomNumber(ByVal min As Integer, _
ByVal max As Integer) As Integer
Return Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd()) + min
End Function
' Get Puzzle
Public Function GetPuzzle(ByVal level As Integer) As String
Dim score As Integer
Dim result As String
result = GenerateNewPuzzle(level, score)
If result <> String.Empty Then
'check if puzzle matches the level of difficult
Select Case level
'average for this level is 4400
Case 1
If score >= 4200 And score <= 4600 Then
Exit Do
End If
'average for this level is 5100
Case 2
If score >= 4900 And score <= 5300 Then
Exit Do
End If
'average for this level is 5800
Case 3
If score >= 5600 And score <= 6000 Then
Exit Do
End If
'average for this level is 11400
Case 4
If score >= 11200 And score <= 11600 Then
Exit Do
End If
End Select
End If
Loop Until False
Return result
End Function
' Create empty cells in the grid
Private Sub CreateEmptyCells(ByVal empty As Integer)
Dim c, r As Integer
'-choose random locations for empty cells-
Dim emptyCells(empty - 1) As String
For i As Integer = 0 To (empty \ 2)
Dim duplicate As Boolean
duplicate = False
'get a cell in the first half of the grid
c = RandomNumber(1, 9)
r = RandomNumber(1, 5)
Loop While (r = 5 And c > 5)
For j As Integer = 0 To i
'if cell is already selected to be empty
If emptyCells(j) = c.ToString() & r.ToString() Then
duplicate = True
Exit For
End If
If Not duplicate Then
'set the empty cell
emptyCells(i) = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
actual(c, r) = 0
possible(c, r) = String.Empty
'reflect the top half of the grid and make it symmetrical
emptyCells(empty - 1 - i) = _
(10 - c).ToString() & (10 - r).ToString()
actual(10 - c, 10 - r) = 0
possible(10 - c, 10 - r) = String.Empty
End If
Loop While duplicate
End Sub
' Generate a new Sudoku puzzle
Private Function GenerateNewPuzzle( _
ByVal level As Integer, _
ByRef score As Integer) As String
Dim c, r As Integer
Dim str As String
Dim numberofemptycells As Integer
'initialize the entire board
For r = 1 To 9
For c = 1 To 9
actual(c, r) = 0
possible(c, r) = String.Empty
'clear the stacks
'populate the board with numbers by solving an empty grid
'use logical methods to setup the grid first
If Not SolvePuzzle() Then
'then use brute-force
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'just in case an error occured, return an empty string
Return String.Empty
End Try
'make a backup copy of the Actual array
actual_backup = actual.Clone()
'set the number of empty cells based on the level of difficulty
Select Case level
Case 1 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(40, 45)
Case 2 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(46, 49)
Case 3 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(50, 53)
Case 4 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(54, 58)
End Select
'clear the stacks that are used in brute-force elimination
BruteForceStop = False
'-create empty cells-
'convert the values in the actual array to a string
str = String.Empty
For r = 1 To 9
For c = 1 To 9
str &= actual(c, r).ToString()
'verify the puzzle has only one solution
Dim tries As Integer = 0
totalscore = 0
If Not SolvePuzzle() Then
'if puzzle is not solved and
' this is a level 1 to 3 puzzle
If level < 4 Then
'choose another pair of cells to empty
tries += 1
'level 4 puzzles does not guarantee single
' solution and potentially need guessing
Exit Do
End If
'puzzle does indeed have 1 solution
Exit Do
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return String.Empty
End Try
'if too many tries, exit the loop
If tries > 50 Then
Return String.Empty
End If
Loop While True
'return the score as well as the puzzle as a string
score = totalscore
Return str
End Function
' Vacate another pair of cells
Private Sub VacateAnotherPairOfCells(ByRef str As String)
Dim c, r As Integer
'look for a pair of cells to restore
c = RandomNumber(1, 9)
r = RandomNumber(1, 9)
Loop Until str((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9).ToString() = 0
'restore the value of the cell from the actual_backup array
str = str.Remove((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, _
actual_backup(c, r).ToString())
'restore the value of the symmetrical cell from
' the actual_backup array
str = str.Remove((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, _
actual_backup(10 - c, 10 - r).ToString())
'look for another pair of cells to vacate
c = RandomNumber(1, 9)
r = RandomNumber(1, 9)
Loop Until str((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9).ToString() <> 0
'remove the cell from the str
str = str.Remove((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, "0")
'remove the symmetrical cell from the str
str = str.Remove((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, "0")
'reinitialize the board
Dim counter As Short = 0
For row As Integer = 1 To 9
For col As Integer = 1 To 9
If CInt(str(counter).ToString()) <> 0 Then
actual(col, row) = CInt(str(counter).ToString())
possible(col, row) = str(counter).ToString()
actual(col, row) = 0
possible(col, row) = String.Empty
End If
counter += 1
End Sub
End Class
scoring system was implemented in the design of the game but I as hoping
that some one would be able to instruct me on how display the score at the
end of the game. At the moment when a player finishes the game I have a
window displaying "Puzzle Solved." If I could display the players score
under this in the same window would be great.
This is a quick copy and paste of a sample the entire game.
I just need a way to display the score in a box. If anyone can help it would
be great!
Public Class SudokuPuzzle
'used to represent the values in the grid
Private actual(9, 9) As Integer
'used to represent the possible values of cells in the grid
Private possible(9, 9) As String
'indicate if the brute-force subroutine should stop
Private BruteForceStop As Boolean = False
'used to store the state of the grid
Private ActualStack As New Stack(Of Integer(,))()
Private PossibleStack As New Stack(Of String(,))()
'store the total score accumulated
Private totalscore As Integer
'backup a copy of the Actual array
Dim actual_backup(9, 9) As Integer
Public Function GetScore() As Integer
Return totalscore
End Function
' Steps to solve the puzzle
Private Function SolvePuzzle() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean
Dim ExitLoop As Boolean = False
Do 'Look for Triplets in Columns
Do 'Look for Triplets in Rows
Do 'Look for Triplets in Minigrids
Do 'Look for Twins in Columns
Do 'Look for Twins in Rows
Do 'Look for Twins in Minigrids
Do 'Look for Lone Rangers in Columns
Do 'Look for Lone Rangers in Rows
Do 'Look for Lone Rangers in
' Minigrids
Do 'Perform Col/Row and
' Minigrid Elimination
changes = CheckColumnsAndRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Lone Rangers in
' Minigrids
changes = _
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Lone Rangers in Rows
changes = LookForLoneRangersinRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Lone Rangers in Columns
changes = LookForLoneRangersinColumns()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Twins in Minigrids
changes = LookForTwinsinMinigrids()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Twins in Rows
changes = LookForTwinsinRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Twins in Columns
changes = LookForTwinsinColumns()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Triplets in Minigrids
changes = LookForTripletsinMinigrids()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Triplets in Rows
changes = LookForTripletsinRows()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
If ExitLoop Then Exit Do
'Look for Triplets in Columns
changes = LookForTripletsinColumns()
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
ExitLoop = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until Not changes
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End Try
If IsPuzzleSolved() Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
' Calculates the possible values for all the cell
Private Function CheckColumnsAndRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'check all cells
For row As Integer = 1 To 9
For col As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(col, row) = 0 Then
possible(col, row) = CalculatePossibleValues(col, row)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End Try
If possible(col, row).Length = 1 Then
'number is confirmed
actual(col, row) = CInt(possible(col, row))
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 100
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Calculates the possible values for a cell
Private Function CalculatePossibleValues( _
ByVal col As Integer, _
ByVal row As Integer) _
As String
Dim str As String
If possible(col, row) = String.Empty Then
str = "123456789"
str = possible(col, row)
End If
Dim r, c As Integer
'Step (1) check by column
For r = 1 To 9
If actual(col, r) <> 0 Then
'that means there is a actual value in it
str = str.Replace(actual(col, r).ToString(), String.Empty)
End If
'Step (2) check by row
For c = 1 To 9
If actual(c, row) <> 0 Then
'that means there is a actual value in it
str = str.Replace(actual(c, row).ToString(), String.Empty)
End If
'Step (3) check within the minigrid
Dim startC, startR As Integer
startC = col - ((col - 1) Mod 3)
startR = row - ((row - 1) Mod 3)
For rr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For cc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
If actual(cc, rr) <> 0 Then
str = str.Replace(actual(cc, rr).ToString(), String.Empty)
End If
'if possible value is string.Empty, then error
If str = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
Return str
End Function
' Look for lone rangers in Minigrids
Private Function LookForLoneRangersinMinigrids() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
Dim NextMiniGrid As Boolean
Dim occurrence As Integer
Dim cPos, rPos As Integer
'check for each number from 1 to 9
For n As Integer = 1 To 9
'check the 9 mini-grids
For r As Integer = 1 To 9 Step 3
For c As Integer = 1 To 9 Step 3
NextMiniGrid = False
'check within the mini-grid
occurrence = 0
For rr As Integer = 0 To 2
For cc As Integer = 0 To 2
If actual(c + cc, r + rr) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(c + cc, r + rr).Contains( _
n.ToString()) Then
occurrence += 1
cPos = c + cc
rPos = r + rr
If occurrence > 1 Then
NextMiniGrid = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If NextMiniGrid Then Exit For
If (Not NextMiniGrid) AndAlso occurrence = 1 Then
'that means number is confirmed
actual(cPos, rPos) = n
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 200
End If
Return changes
End Function
'Look for Lone Rangers in Rows
Private Function LookForLoneRangersinRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
Dim occurrence As Integer
Dim cPos, rPos As Integer
'check by row-
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For n As Integer = 1 To 9
occurrence = 0
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains(n.ToString()) Then
occurrence += 1
'if multiple occurrence, not a lone ranger anymore
If occurrence > 1 Then Exit For
cPos = c
rPos = r
End If
If occurrence = 1 Then
'--number is confirmed
actual(cPos, rPos) = n
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 200
End If
Return changes
End Function
'Look for Lone Rangers in Columns
Private Function LookForLoneRangersinColumns() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
Dim occurrence As Integer
Dim cPos, rPos As Integer
'-check by column-
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
For n As Integer = 1 To 9
occurrence = 0
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains(n.ToString()) Then
occurrence += 1
'if multiple occurrence, not a lone ranger anymore
If occurrence > 1 Then Exit For
cPos = c
rPos = r
End If
If occurrence = 1 Then
'--number is confirmed
actual(cPos, rPos) = n
changes = True
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 200
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Twins in Minigrids
Private Function LookForTwinsinMinigrids() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'look for twins in each cell
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
'if two possible values, check for twins
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 2 Then
'scan by the mini-grid that the current cell is in
Dim startC, startR As Integer
startC = c - ((c - 1) Mod 3)
startR = r - ((r - 1) Mod 3)
For rr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For cc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
'for cells other than the pair of twins
If (Not ((cc = c) AndAlso (rr = r))) AndAlso _
possible(cc, rr) = possible(c, r) Then
'remove the twins from all the other possible
' values in the minigrid
For rrr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For ccc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
If actual(ccc, rrr) = 0 AndAlso _
possible(ccc, rrr) <> _
possible(c, r) Then
'save a copy of the original
' possible values (twins)
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(ccc, rrr)
'remove first twin number from
' possible values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second twin number from
' possible values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are
' modified, then set the changes
' variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells
' in the minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> _
possible(ccc, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to
' empty string, then the user has
' placed a move that results in
' the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, rrr) = _
String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value
' for the current cell, cell is
' confirmed
If possible(ccc, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, rrr) = _
CInt(possible(ccc, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 300
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Twins in Rows
Private Function LookForTwinsinRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each row, check each column in the row
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
'if two possible values, check for twins
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 2 Then
'--scan columns in this row
For cc As Integer = c + 1 To 9
If (possible(cc, r) = possible(c, r)) Then
'remove the twins from all the other possible
' values in the row
For ccc As Integer = 1 To 9
If (actual(ccc, r) = 0) AndAlso _
(ccc <> c) AndAlso (ccc <> cc) Then
'save a copy of the original possible
' values (twins)
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(ccc, r)
'remove first twin number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second twin number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then
' set the changes variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells in the
' minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(ccc, r) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, r) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the
' current cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(ccc, r).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, r) = CInt(possible(ccc, r))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 300
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Twins in Columns
Private Function LookForTwinsinColumns() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each column, check each row in the column
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
'if two possible values, check for twins
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 2 Then
'--scan rows in this column
For rr As Integer = r + 1 To 9
If (possible(c, rr) = possible(c, r)) Then
'remove the twins from all the other possible
' values in the row
For rrr As Integer = 1 To 9
If (actual(c, rrr) = 0) AndAlso _
(rrr <> r) AndAlso (rrr <> rr) Then
'save a copy of the original possible
' values (twins)
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(c, rrr)
'remove first twin number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second twin number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then
'set the changes variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells in the
' minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(c, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(c, rrr) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the
' current cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(c, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(c, rrr) = CInt(possible(c, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 300
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Triplets in Minigrids
Private Function LookForTripletsinMinigrids() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'check each cell
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
' three possible values; check for triplets
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 3 Then
'first potential triplet found
Dim tripletsLocation As String = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
'scan by mini-grid
Dim startC, startR As Integer
startC = c - ((c - 1) Mod 3)
startR = r - ((r - 1) Mod 3)
For rr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For cc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
If (Not ((cc = c) AndAlso (rr = r))) AndAlso _
((possible(cc, rr) = possible(c, r)) OrElse _
(possible(cc, rr).Length = 2 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, rr)(0).ToString()) AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, rr)(1).ToString()))) Then
'save the coorindates of the triplets
tripletsLocation &= cc.ToString() & rr.ToString()
End If
'--found 3 cells as triplets; remove all from the other
' cells
If tripletsLocation.Length = 6 Then
'remove each cell's possible values containing the
' triplet
For rrr As Integer = startR To startR + 2
For ccc As Integer = startC To startC + 2
'look for the cell that is not part of the
' 3 cells found
If actual(ccc, rrr) = 0 AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(0).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(1).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(2).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(3).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(4).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(5).ToString()) Then
'save the original possible values
Dim original_possible As String = _
possible(ccc, rrr)
'remove first triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'remove third triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, rrr) = _
possible(ccc, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(2), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then
' set the changes variable to true to indicate
' that the possible values of cells in the
' minigrid have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(ccc, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, rrr) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the
' current cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(ccc, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, rrr) = CInt(possible(ccc, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 400
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Triplets in Rows
Private Function LookForTripletsinRows() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each row, check each column in the row
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
' three possible values; check for triplets
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 3 Then
'first potential triplet found
Dim tripletsLocation As String = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
'scans columns in this row
For cc As Integer = 1 To 9
'look for other triplets
If (cc <> c) AndAlso _
((possible(cc, r) = possible(c, r)) OrElse _
(possible(cc, r).Length = 2 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, r)(0).ToString()) AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(cc, r)(1).ToString()))) Then
'save the coorindates of the triplet
tripletsLocation &= cc.ToString() & r.ToString()
End If
'--found 3 cells as triplets; remove all from the other
' cells
If tripletsLocation.Length = 6 Then
'remove each cell's possible values containing the
' triplet
For ccc As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(ccc, r) = 0 AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(0).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(2).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
ccc <> CInt(tripletsLocation(4).ToString()) Then
'save the original possible values
Dim original_possible As String = possible(ccc, r)
'remove first triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = _
possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = _
possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'remove third triplet number from possible
' values
possible(ccc, r) = _
possible(ccc, r).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(2), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then set
' the changes variable to true to indicate that
' the possible values of cells in the minigrid
' have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(ccc, r) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(ccc, r) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the current
' cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(ccc, r).Length = 1 Then
actual(ccc, r) = CInt(possible(ccc, r))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 400
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Look for Triplets in Columns
Private Function LookForTripletsinColumns() As Boolean
Dim changes As Boolean = False
'for each column, check each row in the column
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
' three possible values; check for triplets
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length = 3 Then
'first potential triplet found
Dim tripletsLocation As String = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
'scans rows in this column
For rr As Integer = 1 To 9
If (rr <> r) AndAlso _
((possible(c, rr) = possible(c, r)) OrElse _
(possible(c, rr).Length = 2 AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(c, rr)(0).ToString()) AndAlso _
possible(c, r).Contains( _
possible(c, rr)(1).ToString()))) Then
'save the coorindates of the triplet
tripletsLocation += c.ToString() & rr.ToString()
End If
'--found 3 cells as triplets; remove all from the other cells
If tripletsLocation.Length = 6 Then
'remove each cell's possible values containing the
' triplet
For rrr As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, rrr) = 0 AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(1).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(3).ToString()) _
AndAlso _
rrr <> CInt(tripletsLocation(5).ToString()) Then
'save the original possible values
Dim original_possible As String = possible(c, rrr)
'remove first triplet number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = _
possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(0), String.Empty)
'remove second triplet number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = _
possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(1), String.Empty)
'remove third triplet number from possible
' values
possible(c, rrr) = _
possible(c, rrr).Replace( _
possible(c, r)(2), String.Empty)
'if the possible values are modified, then set
' the changes variable to true to indicate that
' the possible values of cells in the minigrid
' have been modified
If original_possible <> possible(c, rrr) Then
changes = True
End If
'if possible value reduces to empty string,
' then the user has placed a move that results
' in the puzzle not solvable
If possible(c, rrr) = String.Empty Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Move")
End If
'if left with 1 possible value for the current
' cell, cell is confirmed
If possible(c, rrr).Length = 1 Then
actual(c, rrr) = CInt(possible(c, rrr))
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 400
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return changes
End Function
' Find the cell with the small number of possible values
Private Sub FindCellWithFewestPossibleValues( _
ByRef col As Integer, ByRef row As Integer)
Dim min As Integer = 10
For r As Integer = 1 To 9
For c As Integer = 1 To 9
If actual(c, r) = 0 AndAlso possible(c, r).Length < min Then
min = possible(c, r).Length
col = c
row = r
End If
End Sub
' Solve puzzle by brute force
Private Sub SolvePuzzleByBruteForce()
Dim c, r As Integer
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 500
'find out which cell has the smallest number of possible values
FindCellWithFewestPossibleValues(c, r)
'get the possible values for the chosen cell
Dim possibleValues As String = possible(c, r)
'randomize the possible values-
'push the actual and possible stacks into the stack
ActualStack.Push(CType(actual.Clone(), Integer(,)))
PossibleStack.Push(CType(possible.Clone(), String(,)))
'select one value and try
For i As Integer = 0 To possibleValues.Length - 1
actual(c, r) = CInt(possibleValues(i).ToString())
If SolvePuzzle() Then
'if the puzzle is solved, the recursion can stop now
BruteForceStop = True
'no problem with current selection, proceed with next
' cell
If BruteForceStop Then Return
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'accumulate the total score
totalscore += 500
actual = ActualStack.Pop()
possible = PossibleStack.Pop()
End Try
End Sub
' Check if the puzzle is solved
Private Function IsPuzzleSolved() As Boolean
Dim pattern As String
Dim r, c As Integer
'check row by row
For r = 1 To 9
pattern = "123456789"
For c = 1 To 9
pattern = pattern.Replace(actual(c, r).ToString(), String.Empty)
If pattern.Length > 0 Then
Return False
End If
'check col by col
For c = 1 To 9
pattern = "123456789"
For r = 1 To 9
pattern = pattern.Replace(actual(c, r).ToString(), String.Empty)
If pattern.Length > 0 Then
Return False
End If
'check by minigrid
For c = 1 To 9 Step 3
pattern = "123456789"
For r = 1 To 9 Step 3
For cc As Integer = 0 To 2
For rr As Integer = 0 To 2
pattern = pattern.Replace( _
actual(c + cc, r + rr).ToString(), String.Empty)
If pattern.Length > 0 Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
' Randomly swap the list of possible values
Private Sub RandomizeThePossibleValues(ByRef str As String)
Dim s(str.Length - 1) As Char
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim temp As Char
s = str.ToCharArray
For i = 0 To str.Length - 1
j = CInt((str.Length - i + 1) * Rnd() + i) Mod str.Length
'swap the chars
temp = s(i)
s(i) = s(j)
s(j) = temp
Next i
str = s
End Sub
' Generate a random number between the specified range
Private Function RandomNumber(ByVal min As Integer, _
ByVal max As Integer) As Integer
Return Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd()) + min
End Function
' Get Puzzle
Public Function GetPuzzle(ByVal level As Integer) As String
Dim score As Integer
Dim result As String
result = GenerateNewPuzzle(level, score)
If result <> String.Empty Then
'check if puzzle matches the level of difficult
Select Case level
'average for this level is 4400
Case 1
If score >= 4200 And score <= 4600 Then
Exit Do
End If
'average for this level is 5100
Case 2
If score >= 4900 And score <= 5300 Then
Exit Do
End If
'average for this level is 5800
Case 3
If score >= 5600 And score <= 6000 Then
Exit Do
End If
'average for this level is 11400
Case 4
If score >= 11200 And score <= 11600 Then
Exit Do
End If
End Select
End If
Loop Until False
Return result
End Function
' Create empty cells in the grid
Private Sub CreateEmptyCells(ByVal empty As Integer)
Dim c, r As Integer
'-choose random locations for empty cells-
Dim emptyCells(empty - 1) As String
For i As Integer = 0 To (empty \ 2)
Dim duplicate As Boolean
duplicate = False
'get a cell in the first half of the grid
c = RandomNumber(1, 9)
r = RandomNumber(1, 5)
Loop While (r = 5 And c > 5)
For j As Integer = 0 To i
'if cell is already selected to be empty
If emptyCells(j) = c.ToString() & r.ToString() Then
duplicate = True
Exit For
End If
If Not duplicate Then
'set the empty cell
emptyCells(i) = c.ToString() & r.ToString()
actual(c, r) = 0
possible(c, r) = String.Empty
'reflect the top half of the grid and make it symmetrical
emptyCells(empty - 1 - i) = _
(10 - c).ToString() & (10 - r).ToString()
actual(10 - c, 10 - r) = 0
possible(10 - c, 10 - r) = String.Empty
End If
Loop While duplicate
End Sub
' Generate a new Sudoku puzzle
Private Function GenerateNewPuzzle( _
ByVal level As Integer, _
ByRef score As Integer) As String
Dim c, r As Integer
Dim str As String
Dim numberofemptycells As Integer
'initialize the entire board
For r = 1 To 9
For c = 1 To 9
actual(c, r) = 0
possible(c, r) = String.Empty
'clear the stacks
'populate the board with numbers by solving an empty grid
'use logical methods to setup the grid first
If Not SolvePuzzle() Then
'then use brute-force
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'just in case an error occured, return an empty string
Return String.Empty
End Try
'make a backup copy of the Actual array
actual_backup = actual.Clone()
'set the number of empty cells based on the level of difficulty
Select Case level
Case 1 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(40, 45)
Case 2 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(46, 49)
Case 3 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(50, 53)
Case 4 : numberofemptycells = RandomNumber(54, 58)
End Select
'clear the stacks that are used in brute-force elimination
BruteForceStop = False
'-create empty cells-
'convert the values in the actual array to a string
str = String.Empty
For r = 1 To 9
For c = 1 To 9
str &= actual(c, r).ToString()
'verify the puzzle has only one solution
Dim tries As Integer = 0
totalscore = 0
If Not SolvePuzzle() Then
'if puzzle is not solved and
' this is a level 1 to 3 puzzle
If level < 4 Then
'choose another pair of cells to empty
tries += 1
'level 4 puzzles does not guarantee single
' solution and potentially need guessing
Exit Do
End If
'puzzle does indeed have 1 solution
Exit Do
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return String.Empty
End Try
'if too many tries, exit the loop
If tries > 50 Then
Return String.Empty
End If
Loop While True
'return the score as well as the puzzle as a string
score = totalscore
Return str
End Function
' Vacate another pair of cells
Private Sub VacateAnotherPairOfCells(ByRef str As String)
Dim c, r As Integer
'look for a pair of cells to restore
c = RandomNumber(1, 9)
r = RandomNumber(1, 9)
Loop Until str((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9).ToString() = 0
'restore the value of the cell from the actual_backup array
str = str.Remove((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, _
actual_backup(c, r).ToString())
'restore the value of the symmetrical cell from
' the actual_backup array
str = str.Remove((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, _
actual_backup(10 - c, 10 - r).ToString())
'look for another pair of cells to vacate
c = RandomNumber(1, 9)
r = RandomNumber(1, 9)
Loop Until str((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9).ToString() <> 0
'remove the cell from the str
str = str.Remove((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((c - 1) + (r - 1) * 9, "0")
'remove the symmetrical cell from the str
str = str.Remove((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, 1)
str = str.Insert((10 - c - 1) + (10 - r - 1) * 9, "0")
'reinitialize the board
Dim counter As Short = 0
For row As Integer = 1 To 9
For col As Integer = 1 To 9
If CInt(str(counter).ToString()) <> 0 Then
actual(col, row) = CInt(str(counter).ToString())
possible(col, row) = str(counter).ToString()
actual(col, row) = 0
possible(col, row) = String.Empty
End If
counter += 1
End Sub
End Class