Hi there everyone
I am a noob in this program, although I have created one sub myself
and got help with another sub. What I want to do now, is to connect
them. I couldn't do it without getting error-messages.
Hope u can help me to do so or make alternative suggestions
Part 1:
Sub MakeList()
Const file1 = "P:\temp\oldtest.txt"
Const file2 = "P:\temp\newtest.txt"
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim Text
Dim fso, fi1, fi2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(file1) Then
Set fi1 = fso.OpenTextFile(file1)
Set fi2 = fso.OpenTextFile(file2, ForWriting, True)
Do While Not (fi1.atEndOfStream)
Text = fi1.Readline
fi2.WriteLine (Text)
End If
End Sub
Part 2:
Sub MakeURLText()
Dim FName As String
Dim Fnum As Long
Dim NewText As String
Dim MyURL As String
FName = "P:\temp\newtest.txt"
Fnum = FreeFile
NewText = "( "
Open FName For Input As Fnum
Do While Not EOF(Fnum)
Line Input #Fnum, MyURL
NewText = NewText & "url contains " & Chr(34) _
& MyURL & Chr(34) & " or "
Close Fnum
NewText = Left(NewText, Len(NewText) - 4) & " )"
FName = "P:\temp\newtest.txt"
Fnum = FreeFile
Open FName For Output As Fnum
Print #Fnum, NewText
Close Fnum
End Sub
hope u can help me, thx for your attention
Greets, Christof
I am a noob in this program, although I have created one sub myself
and got help with another sub. What I want to do now, is to connect
them. I couldn't do it without getting error-messages.
Hope u can help me to do so or make alternative suggestions
Part 1:
Sub MakeList()
Const file1 = "P:\temp\oldtest.txt"
Const file2 = "P:\temp\newtest.txt"
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim Text
Dim fso, fi1, fi2
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(file1) Then
Set fi1 = fso.OpenTextFile(file1)
Set fi2 = fso.OpenTextFile(file2, ForWriting, True)
Do While Not (fi1.atEndOfStream)
Text = fi1.Readline
fi2.WriteLine (Text)
End If
End Sub
Part 2:
Sub MakeURLText()
Dim FName As String
Dim Fnum As Long
Dim NewText As String
Dim MyURL As String
FName = "P:\temp\newtest.txt"
Fnum = FreeFile
NewText = "( "
Open FName For Input As Fnum
Do While Not EOF(Fnum)
Line Input #Fnum, MyURL
NewText = NewText & "url contains " & Chr(34) _
& MyURL & Chr(34) & " or "
Close Fnum
NewText = Left(NewText, Len(NewText) - 4) & " )"
FName = "P:\temp\newtest.txt"
Fnum = FreeFile
Open FName For Output As Fnum
Print #Fnum, NewText
Close Fnum
End Sub
hope u can help me, thx for your attention
Greets, Christof