VB help



When I search topics in VB Help, I get result topics that
do not link to anything. It's like I have an incomplete
version of help. I've reloaded help from the CD but that
doesn't work. I have MS Office Professional 2000. Were
there some add-ins or service paks I missed?

Pete Lees

When I search topics in VB Help, I get result topics that
do not link to anything. It's like I have an incomplete
version of help. I've reloaded help from the CD but that
doesn't work. I have MS Office Professional 2000. Were
there some add-ins or service paks I missed?

If all the required help files are installed on your system then a
couple of possible explanations are:

1) You've installed a cumulative security patch for Internet Explorer
that has broken the HTML Help viewer components. This problem is
described here:


The article recommends installing Service Pack 4 on Windows 2000
systems. If you're experiencing this problem despite (or because of)
installing SP4, the solution is to unregister the file hhctrl.ocx and
then re-register it, by running the following two commands from a
command prompt:

regsvr32 /u <drive>:\winnt\system32\hhctrl.ocx
regsvr32 <drive>:\winnt\system32\hhctrl.ocx

2) You've installed Office Update 262767, which turns off the "Show
Me" and pop-up window definition functions in help. See this article
for more information:


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