Marian M.
I have written an Access VB module that, when I try to run it, reports
"Run-time error '2482': Microsoft Office Access can't find the name
'LSAYCollVars_ACIS' you entered in the expression." and highlights the line:
par.Value = Eval(par.Name), which I realize means that the problem is
somewhere before that line. But, the table =does= exist.
The code in question is
Sub CreateCharVars()
Dim strVarType As String, strCllgVar As String, strCllgFice As String
Dim strCllgEnrollYr As String, StrFiceYr As String, strSQL As String
Dim iLoop As Integer, jLoop As Integer, kLoop As Integer
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rsVarType As Recordset, rsCllgFice As Recordset, rsCllgVar As Recordset
Dim rsCllgEnrollYr As Recordset, rsFiceYr As Recordset
Dim qdf As QueryDef 'add these two
Dim par As Parameter
Set dbs = CurrentDb
With CurrentDb
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs("MyQuery") 'add this
For iLoop = 1 To 5
For jLoop = 1 To 18
For kLoop = 1 To 21
Set rsVarType = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select VarType From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & iLoop)
strVarType = rsVarType!VarType ' Set the first Variable Type
Set rsCllgVar = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select CllgVar From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & jLoop)
strCllgVar = rsCllgVar!CllgVar ' Set the first College Var
Set rsCllgFice = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select CllgFice From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & jLoop)
strCllgFice = rsCllgFice!CllgFice ' Set the first College Fice
Set rsCllgEnrollYr = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select CllgEnrollYr
From tblCharacter Where ID = " & jLoop)
strCllgEnrollYr = rsCllgEnrollYr!CllgEnrollYr ' Set the first
College Enrollment Year string
Set rsFiceYr = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select FiceYr From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & kLoop)
StrFiceYr = rsFiceYr!FiceYr ' Set the first Fice Year string
strVarType & "-02May-MLM]"
strSQL = strSQL & " ON LSAYCollVars_ACIS." & strCllgFice & " =
[LSAYFice-" & strVarType
strSQL = strSQL & "-02May-MLM].UNITID SET LSAYCollVars_ACIS."
& strVarType & strCllgVar
strSQL = strSQL & " = [LSAYFice-" & strVarType &
"-02May-MLM].[" & strVarType & StrFiceYr & "]"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((LSAYCollVars_ACIS." & strVarType
& strCllgVar & ") Is Null)"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND ((LSAYCollVars_ACIS." &
strCllgEnrollYr & ")=" & kLoop & "));"
qdf.SQL = strSQL 'this stuffs your SQL string into the query
'the following resolves the VB parameter so that
Access can understand it
For Each par In qdf.Parameters
par.Value = Eval(par.Name)
Next par
qdf.Execute 'this should run the query
Next kLoop
Next jLoop
Next iLoop
End With
End Sub
When iLoop, jLoop & kLoop all = 1,
VarType = affil
CllgVar = 31B
CllgFice = R30A1
CllEnrollYr = R31B
FiceYr = 06
and the VB module should return the query
LSAYCollVars_ACIS.R30A1=[LSAYFice-affil-02May-MLM].UNITID SET
LSAYCollVars_ACIS.affil31b = [LSAYFice-affil-02May-MLM].[affil06]
WHERE (((LSAYCollVars_ACIS.affil31b) Is Null) AND
When I run this query as a query in Access, I have no problem.
Why would the VB module not recognize a table that exists?
Have I missed a syntax issue? When I hit F1 the most recent time, Access
Help came up with a screen about With Statements. Should I have nested With
statements? How would I fit them in? (Have I done something to change my
object, CurrentDb?)
Is there a way to set this up so that the module spits out the query, so
that I can check what the module is actually producing? (something like a DOS
echo function? - as you can tell, I'm fairly new at this. I've gotten as far
as I have with this script with the help of people in the Access listserve &
MS discussion groups)
Thank you in advance.
Marian Mitchell
"Run-time error '2482': Microsoft Office Access can't find the name
'LSAYCollVars_ACIS' you entered in the expression." and highlights the line:
par.Value = Eval(par.Name), which I realize means that the problem is
somewhere before that line. But, the table =does= exist.
The code in question is
Sub CreateCharVars()
Dim strVarType As String, strCllgVar As String, strCllgFice As String
Dim strCllgEnrollYr As String, StrFiceYr As String, strSQL As String
Dim iLoop As Integer, jLoop As Integer, kLoop As Integer
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rsVarType As Recordset, rsCllgFice As Recordset, rsCllgVar As Recordset
Dim rsCllgEnrollYr As Recordset, rsFiceYr As Recordset
Dim qdf As QueryDef 'add these two
Dim par As Parameter
Set dbs = CurrentDb
With CurrentDb
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs("MyQuery") 'add this
For iLoop = 1 To 5
For jLoop = 1 To 18
For kLoop = 1 To 21
Set rsVarType = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select VarType From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & iLoop)
strVarType = rsVarType!VarType ' Set the first Variable Type
Set rsCllgVar = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select CllgVar From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & jLoop)
strCllgVar = rsCllgVar!CllgVar ' Set the first College Var
Set rsCllgFice = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select CllgFice From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & jLoop)
strCllgFice = rsCllgFice!CllgFice ' Set the first College Fice
Set rsCllgEnrollYr = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select CllgEnrollYr
From tblCharacter Where ID = " & jLoop)
strCllgEnrollYr = rsCllgEnrollYr!CllgEnrollYr ' Set the first
College Enrollment Year string
Set rsFiceYr = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select FiceYr From
tblCharacter Where ID = " & kLoop)
StrFiceYr = rsFiceYr!FiceYr ' Set the first Fice Year string
strVarType & "-02May-MLM]"
strSQL = strSQL & " ON LSAYCollVars_ACIS." & strCllgFice & " =
[LSAYFice-" & strVarType
strSQL = strSQL & "-02May-MLM].UNITID SET LSAYCollVars_ACIS."
& strVarType & strCllgVar
strSQL = strSQL & " = [LSAYFice-" & strVarType &
"-02May-MLM].[" & strVarType & StrFiceYr & "]"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((LSAYCollVars_ACIS." & strVarType
& strCllgVar & ") Is Null)"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND ((LSAYCollVars_ACIS." &
strCllgEnrollYr & ")=" & kLoop & "));"
qdf.SQL = strSQL 'this stuffs your SQL string into the query
'the following resolves the VB parameter so that
Access can understand it
For Each par In qdf.Parameters
par.Value = Eval(par.Name)
Next par
qdf.Execute 'this should run the query
Next kLoop
Next jLoop
Next iLoop
End With
End Sub
When iLoop, jLoop & kLoop all = 1,
VarType = affil
CllgVar = 31B
CllgFice = R30A1
CllEnrollYr = R31B
FiceYr = 06
and the VB module should return the query
LSAYCollVars_ACIS.R30A1=[LSAYFice-affil-02May-MLM].UNITID SET
LSAYCollVars_ACIS.affil31b = [LSAYFice-affil-02May-MLM].[affil06]
WHERE (((LSAYCollVars_ACIS.affil31b) Is Null) AND
When I run this query as a query in Access, I have no problem.
Why would the VB module not recognize a table that exists?
Have I missed a syntax issue? When I hit F1 the most recent time, Access
Help came up with a screen about With Statements. Should I have nested With
statements? How would I fit them in? (Have I done something to change my
object, CurrentDb?)
Is there a way to set this up so that the module spits out the query, so
that I can check what the module is actually producing? (something like a DOS
echo function? - as you can tell, I'm fairly new at this. I've gotten as far
as I have with this script with the help of people in the Access listserve &
MS discussion groups)
Thank you in advance.
Marian Mitchell