vb dot net com+ Component rerun

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stuart Dee
  • Start date Start date

Stuart Dee


I have created a com+ component with vb dot net
using jit activation and transactions

If i call it like this


it works fine

if i try it in a loop it then locks up.
i would like to run it this way. What do i need to do


do while not eof



* "Stuart Dee said:
I have created a com+ component with vb dot net
using jit activation and transactions

If i call it like this


it works fine

if i try it in a loop it then locks up.
i would like to run it this way. What do i need to do


do while not eof


That should work. Maybe there is a bug in the implementation of 'Execute'?

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET


I dont thinkso as it works fine if i call it like this

do while not eof
set x=null
Hi Stuart,

Can you modify your code as simple as possible and post in the newsgroup
for me to reproduce the problem?
do while not eof
set x=null

Do you call the component in the Vb6 or VB.NET?

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Currently the component is called from
vb script,dot net and will be also in access

Im more interested in wether it should work
my assembly uses strong names like the following and ive
included some code from the main program. Hopefully you
may spot something



Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.EnterpriseServices

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports CGCalc.Common
Imports CGCalc.CalcDataAccess

Namespace cgCalc
<Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)> _
Public Class CalcEngine
Inherits ServicedComponent

Private Shared s_count As Integer = 0
Private m_count As Integer
Private m_canBePooled As Boolean = True

Public Sub New()
m_count =
End Sub

Protected Overrides Function canBePooled() As
Return m_canBePooled
End Function

Protected Overrides Sub activate()
m_canBePooled = False
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub deactivate()
m_canBePooled = True
End Sub

Public Sub reset()
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property version() As String
version = CgCalcConfiguration.CGTVersion
End Get
End Property
Public Property Calcmode() As Integer
Calcmode = m_CalcMode
End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
If Value < 0 Or Value > 3 Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Calc
mode: " & CStr(Value))
End If
m_CalcMode = Value
CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gCalcMode = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Client() As Integer
Client = CInt(m_Client)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

If Not
CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded Then
Throw New Exception("CGcalc has not
been initialised")
End If

objCalcDB.getClientType(m_CalcMode, _

m_Client = Value

End Set
End Property

Public Property asset(ByVal passet As Integer) As
passet = CInt(m_Asset)
End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
Dim reccount As Long

If Not
CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded Then
Throw New Exception("CGcalc has not
been initialised")
End If

'check asset exists
reccount = objCalcDB.AssetExistsCheck

If reccount = 0 Then
Throw New Exception("Invalid Asset
Code: " & passet)
End If

m_Asset = Value

End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ErrorText() As String
ErrorText = m_Error
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property MultPoss() As Boolean
MultPoss = m_Multpos
End Get
End Property
Public Property MQuantity(ByVal Qty As Double) As
Dim TaxYear As Integer, LoadTable As
Dim tcg() As CalcInfo

If Not
CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded Then
Throw New Exception("CGcalc has not
been initialised")
End If

Call Check_Parms()

LoadTable = True

Call objModel.AcheiveRequiredTGainLoss
(m_Client, tcg, m_Asset, MDate, Price, _
m_Gain, m_ReturnGainLoss, GraphReqd, _
m_Qty, m_Multpos, m_ReturnCode,
AuditReqd, m_Error, LoadTable, TaxYear, m_CalcMode, 0)

MQuantity = m_Qty

If InStr(CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gErrText,
CgCalcConfiguration.gFAILEDUPDATETEXT) <> 0 Then
Throw New Exception
End If

End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Double)
m_Qty = CDec(Value)
End Set
End Property
Public Property MGain() As Decimal

Dim TaxYear As Integer
Dim tcg() As CalcInfo
Dim LoadTable As Boolean, UpdateData As
Boolean, IncludeUnconfirmed As Boolean

If Not
CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded Then
Throw New Exception("CGcalc has not
been initialised")
End If

Call Check_Parms()

LoadTable = True
UpdateData = True
IncludeUnconfirmed = False

Call objModel.ComputeGainLoss(m_Client,
tcg, m_Asset, Price, MDate, _
TaxYear, m_Qty, m_NetGL, m_LossApplied,
m_Taper, m_Gain, _
m_LossCF, m_Error, UpdateData,
LoadTable, IncludeUnconfirmed, _
AuditReqd, m_ReturnCode, m_CalcMode)

MGain = m_Gain

If InStr(CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gErrText,
CgCalcConfiguration.gFAILEDUPDATETEXT) <> 0 Then
Throw New Exception
End If

End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
m_Gain = Value
End Set
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property ReturnGain() As Decimal
ReturnGain = m_ReturnGainLoss
End Get
End Property

Private Sub Check_Parms()
Dim holdingsDR As SqlDataReader
Dim reccount As Long
Dim validated_asset() As Boolean
Dim MaxHldgs As Integer, AssetX As Integer,
maxtxns As Integer, X As Integer
Dim NullTxn As CGcalcTxnStructure

If m_Client = 0 Then
m_ReturnCode = 9
Throw New Exception("Client not
End If

If m_CalcMode < 0 Or m_CalcMode > 3 Then
m_ReturnCode = 9
Throw New Exception("Calcmode incorrectly
specified: " & m_CalcMode)
End If

If m_CalcMode =
CgCalcConfiguration.WHAT_IF_CALC_MODE Then
If m_Asset = 0 Then
m_ReturnCode = 9
Throw New Exception("Asset not
End If

'check client has a holding in the asset
to model
reccount = objCalcDB.clientAssetHldgExists
(m_Client, m_Asset)

If reccount = 0 Then
m_ReturnCode = 9
Throw New Exception("Client does not
have a holding in the asset.")
End If
End If

If m_CalcMode =
CgCalcConfiguration.WHAT_IF_CALC_MODE Then
'check date is >= current
If MDate < System.DateTime.Now Then
m_ReturnCode = 9
Throw New Exception("Modelling date
cannot be in the past.")
End If
End If

If m_CalcMode =
CgCalcConfiguration.MODEL_SLE_TXNS_MODE Or m_CalcMode =
CgCalcConfiguration.MODEL_PUR_TXNS_MODE Then

maxtxns = UBound(m_ModelTxns)

For X = 1 To maxtxns
If CInt(m_ModelTxns(X).InQty) = 0 Then
Exit For
End If
MaxHldgs = X
Next X

If MaxHldgs > 0 Then

ReDim validated_asset(MaxHldgs)

'validate all the holdings exist
holdingsDR =

Do While holdingsDR.Read
For AssetX = 1 To MaxHldgs
If CLng(holdingsDR.Item
("AssetID")) = m_ModelTxns(AssetX).AssetID Then
validated_asset(AssetX) =
End If
Next AssetX

End If

For AssetX = 1 To MaxHldgs

If Not validated_asset(AssetX) Then
m_ReturnCode = 9
Throw New Exception("Client does
not have a holding in the asset." & m_ModelTxns
End If
Next AssetX
End If

End Sub
<AutoComplete()> _
Public Function CalcCGT() As Integer

Dim reccount As Long
Dim tcg() As CalcInfo

m_ReturnCode = 0

If Not CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded
Throw New Exception("CGcalc has not been
End If

Call Check_Parms()

objEvent.EventProcessor(m_Client, tcg,
m_CalcMode, m_Asset, 0, Price, _
True, True, False,
AuditReqd, m_ReturnCode)

CalcCGT = m_ReturnCode

If InStr(CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gErrText,
CgCalcConfiguration.gFAILEDUPDATETEXT) <> 0 Then
m_ReturnCode = 8
CalcCGT = 8
'Err.Raise 111 + gObjectError, ,
End If

Return CalcCGT
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property ReturnCode() As String
ReturnCode = CStr(m_ReturnCode)
End Get
End Property

Public Sub InitialiseClass(ByVal PServer As
String, _
ByVal PDatabase As String, _
Optional ByVal PUser As String = "", _
Optional ByVal PPassword As String = "")
If Not CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded
ReDim CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gEELtxt(9)

Call load_globals(PServer, _
PDatabase, _
PUser, _
PPassword, _

End If

If m_Error <> "" Then
Throw New Exception(m_Error)
End If

End Sub

Public Function Execute(ByVal Action As String) As

'A generic function for future
methods/properties without
'inflicting painful version incompatability
'For use refer francesco balena's book
prog'ing vb6 pg850

Select Case Action


Execute = "test generic function"

Case "AutoGenerateAllDisposals"
'this function just sets the boolean
value to state that all
'modelled txns will be generated
automatically from the notionals.
'Ordinarily this would be a class
variable, but rolling out a new class is
'too painful...!
m_AutoGenerateAllDisposals = True
Execute = "Set
AutoGenerateAllDisposals to true."

End Select

Return Execute
End Function

Public Property ModelTxns() As CGcalcTxnType()
ModelTxns = m_ModelTxns
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As CGcalcTxnType())
m_ModelTxns = Value
End Set
End Property

<AutoComplete()> _
Function ModelTxnSet() As Integer

Dim TaxYear As Integer
Dim tcg() As CalcInfo

If Not CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gGlobalsLoaded
Throw New Exception("CGcalc has not been
End If

Call Check_Parms()

Select Case m_CalcMode


Call objModel.ModelMultipleDisposals
(m_Client, tcg, m_ModelTxns, ModelTxnSortID, m_NetGL, _
m_LossApplied, m_Taper,
m_ReturnGainLoss, m_LossCF, m_Error, m_ReturnCode,
m_CalcMode, _


Call objModel.ModelMultipleAcquisitions
(m_Client, tcg, m_ModelTxns, m_NetGL, _
m_LossApplied, m_Taper,
m_ReturnGainLoss, m_LossCF, m_Error, m_ReturnCode,

End Select

ModelTxnSet = m_ReturnCode

MGain = m_Gain

If InStr(CgCalcConfiguration.glo.gErrText,
CgCalcConfiguration.gFAILEDUPDATETEXT) <> 0 Then
Throw New Exception
End If

Return ModelTxnSet
End Function

End Class
End Namespace
<Assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)>
<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("Calcxxxxx")>
<Assembly: ApplicationName("xxxxxx(Dot Net)")>
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("Calculator Engine")>
<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("xxxxxx Financial Systems")>
<Assembly: AssemblyProduct("xxxx")>
<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("2003")>
<Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>
<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)>
<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("DotNetCalc.snk")>

'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this
project is exposed to COM
<Assembly: Guid("84838924-1931-4C0A-BB23-D4E4BFABAD96")>

' Version information for an assembly consists of the
following four values:
' Major Version
' Minor Version
' Build Number
' Revision
' You can specify all the values or you can default the
Build and Revision Numbers
' by using the '*' as shown below:
Hi ,

That seems to a complex project. Your project doesn't work on my machine. (
I can not compile it)
After I code review, I did not find anything special which will cause the
Based on my understanding, you call the COM+ component in one thread in a

Here is my demo test, you may have a look to see if this code works on you

Dim o
set o = CreateObject("BankComponent.Account")
Dim i
i = 0
While i < 10
msgbox o.sqrt(i)
i = i + 1

Imports System.EnterpriseServices
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Namespace BankComponent
ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)> _
Public Class Account
Inherits ServicedComponent
Dim m_count As Integer
Shared s_count As Integer
Public Sub New()
m_count = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(s_count)
End Sub
<AutoComplete()> _
Public Function Sqrt(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
Sqrt = x * x
' Updates the database; no need to call SetComplete.
' Calls SetComplete automatically if no exception is generated.
End Function
End Class
End Namespace

Since it seems a large project, for such big code review has beyond the
newsgroup support field.
For more detailed code review I suggest you call Microsoft Product Support
Services (PSS) for further help.

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.