Anyone have a workaround for this property
function that is not supported in
VB .NET CF (ComboBox.DroppedDown)?
I need to program a handheld for
one-handed data entry, and
combo-boxes that can not be dropped
down by pressing a quick-key are
useless to me in this application
(no, the alt+down arrow option does
not work for the handheld I am using,
which requires a [func] keypress
before the alt and down making it a
3 keystroke operation).
I really don't want to have to program
a custom control to perform this one
simple action. I thought about using
SendKeys... but again, not supported in
VB .NET CF. I would like to trap a special
key and use the keydown event to
drop down the combobox...
function that is not supported in
VB .NET CF (ComboBox.DroppedDown)?
I need to program a handheld for
one-handed data entry, and
combo-boxes that can not be dropped
down by pressing a quick-key are
useless to me in this application
(no, the alt+down arrow option does
not work for the handheld I am using,
which requires a [func] keypress
before the alt and down making it a
3 keystroke operation).
I really don't want to have to program
a custom control to perform this one
simple action. I thought about using
SendKeys... but again, not supported in
VB .NET CF. I would like to trap a special
key and use the keydown event to
drop down the combobox...