E Eduardo Jan 29, 2010 #2 Hi, there are some interesting pages like http://www.angelfire.com/biz7/julian_s/julian/julians_macros.htm http://www.appspro.com/Tips/Tips_And_Tricks.htm
Hi, there are some interesting pages like http://www.angelfire.com/biz7/julian_s/julian/julians_macros.htm http://www.appspro.com/Tips/Tips_And_Tricks.htm
J JLatham Jan 30, 2010 #3 Here are some other sites that can be helpful in learning VBA for Excel http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/getstarted.htm http://www.the-excel-advisor.com/excel-macros-vba-tutorial.html http://class.et.byu.edu/ce270/vbaexcel_primer/intro.htm http://www.exceltip.com/excel_links.html
Here are some other sites that can be helpful in learning VBA for Excel http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/getstarted.htm http://www.the-excel-advisor.com/excel-macros-vba-tutorial.html http://class.et.byu.edu/ce270/vbaexcel_primer/intro.htm http://www.exceltip.com/excel_links.html
H hitesh Feb 13, 2010 #4 its lot of confussion. i want to start from step 1. how u writes the macros is there any programing language required to write the macros. i am crazy about excel pls help
its lot of confussion. i want to start from step 1. how u writes the macros is there any programing language required to write the macros. i am crazy about excel pls help
G Gord Dibben Feb 13, 2010 #5 VBA is a programming language. Step 1...............go to one of the sites Jerry posted and start reading. Turn on the macro recorder and do a few things. Look at the code generated. Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
VBA is a programming language. Step 1...............go to one of the sites Jerry posted and start reading. Turn on the macro recorder and do a few things. Look at the code generated. Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP