This code only checks the first range and stops or prints. What is wrong? I would like it to continue to all 20 ranges check and skip or print.
Can you tell what is missing
Private Sub CommandButton34_Click(
Dim iRow As Lon
Dim HowMany As Lon
HowMany = 2
With ActiveShee
For iRow = 52 To (32 * HowMany - 1) + 52 Step 3
If IsNumeric(.Cells(iRow + 3, "I").Value) The
If .Cells(iRow + 3, "I").Value > 0 The
.Cells(iRow, "A").Resize(16, 9).PrintPrevie
'.printout when you're done checkin
Exit Fo
End I
End I
Next iRo
End Wit
End Su
Thank you very much.
Can you tell what is missing
Private Sub CommandButton34_Click(
Dim iRow As Lon
Dim HowMany As Lon
HowMany = 2
With ActiveShee
For iRow = 52 To (32 * HowMany - 1) + 52 Step 3
If IsNumeric(.Cells(iRow + 3, "I").Value) The
If .Cells(iRow + 3, "I").Value > 0 The
.Cells(iRow, "A").Resize(16, 9).PrintPrevie
'.printout when you're done checkin
Exit Fo
End I
End I
Next iRo
End Wit
End Su
Thank you very much.