OK. You must have the version that does not go back to the beginning
after 5 minutes in Kiosk mode. I thought it was 2002, but perhaps it was
2000 and 2002. Here is some VBA code that should help, but it is going
to require a fair amount of work on your part to implement this (unless
all you do is go from one slide to the next to the next.
Dim startTime As Long
Sub Initialize()
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide 1
End Sub
Sub Wait()
waitTime = 120
startTime = Timer
While Timer < startTime + waitTime
End Sub
Sub NextSlide()
startTime = Timer
End Sub
After putting this code in a module, you need to do the following:
(1) Put a button on your title slide and link it to the Initialize
(2) On every other slide, put a button that is linked to the NextSlide
(3) If you want to do anything other than go to the next slide, you will
need to do that in a procedure that includes the line startTime = Timer.
For example to go to the previous slide put a button and link it to the
following PreviousSlide procedure:
Sub PreviousSlide()
startTime = Timer
End Sub
Or to go to the 17th slide, use the following procedure:
Sub GoTo17thSlide()
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide 17
startTime = Timer
End Sub
The key to this whole thing is that the variable startTime must get reset
every time you do anything so that the counting of 2 minutes can start
Also, if you want the time to be something other than 2 minutes, change
the number 120 to some other number of seconds.
If you send me email (remove the NOSPAM from my email address), I'll send
you the little example I cooked up. As you can see, the code is really
easy. The hard part is getting all your buttons and hyperlinks to use
the code.
David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_