VB Code help for Excel 2003 - Please Help

Nov 10, 2010
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I am new to both Visual Basic programming and Excel spreadsheets.I have a work project that I am trying to streamline the process for. I am trying to create a Macro that will use Column values such as A,B,C etc through column U. Column " A" would be the fixed value to start the look up and ensure matching criteria. Columns "J" and / or "K" can only equal "Y","N", or <null>. If either column "J" or "K" or both columns return a "Y" or <null> value the macro would then extract the entire row from column A to U into a second spreadsheet. Could some one advise me of the proper Visual Basic code to achieve this? I am completely at a lost as to how to get this completed or even if this can be done. I have tried to use the advanced filter but due to the structure of the spreadsheet, it did not execute as needed. I would greatly appreciate any help possible.

Thank you,
