An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler what kind of operation you
wish to perform. Operators vary from language to language, but in VB some
of the more common ones are:
+ (mathmatical addition)
- (mathmatical subtraction)
/ (mathmatical division)
* (mathmatical multiplication)
& (String concatenation)
= (assignment or equality test)
< (less than)
(greater than) <= (less than or equal to)
= (greater than or equal to)
<> (not equal to)
With all due respect, this and your other question are very elementary
questions, and there is nothing wrong with that (you've got to learn this
stuff sometime), but you might find it extremely helpful if you pick up an
introductory book on programming concepts as well as try a Google search on
terms like variable and operator before posting. You may find that you can
get your answer faster that way.
Of course, if you get stuck, feel free to post.