VB 2005 EXE Cannot Be Launched From A Server

  • Thread starter Thread starter jamil
  • Start date Start date


I have developed an EXE that executes successfully when it exists and
is launched from a Win2000 or XP client PC. If I was to copy this EXE
to a network share, where the client has full admin access, the EXE
fails to launch with an error. It displays something along the lines
of the application has encountered a problem and needs to close. I am
unable to debug it at all even though there is an option to debug when
I receive this error.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?

Likely a permission problem as by default a dotnet application is not
allowed to run from a network share.

Try :

As a side note it's always best to be as accurate as possible regarding the
error message...

Thanks. This pointed me in the right direction. This site, in
itself, did not include everything. I figured what was missing on my
own though, which was the need to sign the EXE and create a key for

Also, the error message was extremely vague. I pretty much typed it
verbatim (it was from memory, which was the reason for my
Yeah; i think that this functionality is a whole bunch of CRAP

build an EXE and execute it.

control permissions inside the app- or control access to an app
but this .NET crap is hogwash

Microsoft should have sold us a real security solution instead of
conning us into rewriting everything

I call for the USAF to napalm Microsoft offices