I am new in VB 2005;
I created within a VBProject a SQL Databank as dataset - created one table
in this dataset with ID (integer) and special remarks (text) column. In a
from, I created several textboxes and according to the ID, I would like to
get the remarks from the tabel to be seen in the different textboxes. All I
tried, doesn't work.
I did it with :ADODB Connection together with the ADODB recordset,
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset etc..etc.
rst.open TblName, cnn, , , 1
rst.Find "ID=1", , adSearchForward, 1
Me.form1.textbox1.text = rst.Fields("special remarks").Value etc.etc.
I created within a VBProject a SQL Databank as dataset - created one table
in this dataset with ID (integer) and special remarks (text) column. In a
from, I created several textboxes and according to the ID, I would like to
get the remarks from the tabel to be seen in the different textboxes. All I
tried, doesn't work.
I did it with :ADODB Connection together with the ADODB recordset,
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset etc..etc.
rst.open TblName, cnn, , , 1
rst.Find "ID=1", , adSearchForward, 1
Me.form1.textbox1.text = rst.Fields("special remarks").Value etc.etc.