Vary Animation Timing Settings Within a Single Textbox

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How can I set the timing separately for each paragraph in a text box?

My presentation will be self-running and I would need the paragraphs (of various lengths) on each slide to appear one at a time, allowing enough time for the previous paragraph to be read. So, for example, I might have the 1st paragraph appear one second after the slide appears, the 2nd par. 4 seconds later, and the 3rd par. 2 seconds later, all depending on the individual par. length

I use version 2002, but I suspect my Custom Animation window might be layed out differently than usual, since a Microsoft rep recently had me tinker with my settings to solve some other PPT problem I had, and now my Custom Animation window has changed from a pane running along the right side of the PPT window to a dialogue box with the objects in the upper left, a mini-slide diagram to the right of that, and 4 tabs on the lower half of the box: Order & Timing, Effects, Chart Effects and Multimedia Settings

Thank you.
I'm not very familiar with 2002, so this may not apply
anymore, but I don't think you can animate paragraphs
individually. You will need to put each paragraph in its
own text box and then animate each text box.

Use your Align or Distribute features to make the
paragraphs look like a single entity. Align left to make
sure they align along the left edge, and distribute
vertically to space them evenly from top to bottom. (You
may need to play around with these options until you get
the look you want.)
-----Original Message-----
How can I set the timing separately for each paragraph in a text box?

My presentation will be self-running and I would need
the paragraphs (of various lengths) on each slide to
appear one at a time, allowing enough time for the
previous paragraph to be read. So, for example, I might
have the 1st paragraph appear one second after the slide
appears, the 2nd par. 4 seconds later, and the 3rd par. 2
seconds later, all depending on the individual par.
I use version 2002, but I suspect my Custom Animation
window might be layed out differently than usual, since a
Microsoft rep recently had me tinker with my settings to
solve some other PPT problem I had, and now my Custom
Animation window has changed from a pane running along
the right side of the PPT window to a dialogue box with
the objects in the upper left, a mini-slide diagram to
the right of that, and 4 tabs on the lower half of the
box: Order & Timing, Effects, Chart Effects and
Multimedia Settings.
I know there was another thread elsewhere, but I haven't looked closely at
it, so I'll probably ask questions here which have already been answered

Are your paragraphs in separate textboxes, or are they all in the same

If you set your options back to allow the 2002/2003 animations and
transitions, you can set individual timings within one textbox or text
placeholder. Otherwise you'll have to use separate textboxes and animate
each individually by setting a delay in the "automatically after" option on
the custom animation dialog box.

What did the MS person have you change your settings for? It may be that
that was just the easiest way out, but, depending on what the issue you were
resolving was, it may not have been the best answer.


Chantzie said:
How can I set the timing separately for each paragraph in a text box?

My presentation will be self-running and I would need the paragraphs (of
various lengths) on each slide to appear one at a time, allowing enough time
for the previous paragraph to be read. So, for example, I might have the
1st paragraph appear one second after the slide appears, the 2nd par. 4
seconds later, and the 3rd par. 2 seconds later, all depending on the
individual par. length.
I use version 2002, but I suspect my Custom Animation window might be
layed out differently than usual, since a Microsoft rep recently had me
tinker with my settings to solve some other PPT problem I had, and now my
Custom Animation window has changed from a pane running along the right side
of the PPT window to a dialogue box with the objects in the upper left, a
mini-slide diagram to the right of that, and 4 tabs on the lower half of the
box: Order & Timing, Effects, Chart Effects and Multimedia Settings.
Whoops! Just realized you said Single Textbox in your subject line.

So you'll need to create separate textboxes and animate them individually if
you want to keep the 2002/2003 animations/transitions turned off.


Echo S said:
I know there was another thread elsewhere, but I haven't looked closely at
it, so I'll probably ask questions here which have already been answered

Are your paragraphs in separate textboxes, or are they all in the same

If you set your options back to allow the 2002/2003 animations and
transitions, you can set individual timings within one textbox or text
placeholder. Otherwise you'll have to use separate textboxes and animate
each individually by setting a delay in the "automatically after" option on
the custom animation dialog box.

What did the MS person have you change your settings for? It may be that
that was just the easiest way out, but, depending on what the issue you were
resolving was, it may not have been the best answer.


Chantzie said:
How can I set the timing separately for each paragraph in a text box?

My presentation will be self-running and I would need the paragraphs (of
various lengths) on each slide to appear one at a time, allowing enough time
for the previous paragraph to be read. So, for example, I might have the
1st paragraph appear one second after the slide appears, the 2nd par. 4
seconds later, and the 3rd par. 2 seconds later, all depending on the
individual par. length.
I use version 2002, but I suspect my Custom Animation window might be
layed out differently than usual, since a Microsoft rep recently had me
tinker with my settings to solve some other PPT problem I had, and now my
Custom Animation window has changed from a pane running along the right side
of the PPT window to a dialogue box with the objects in the upper left, a
mini-slide diagram to the right of that, and 4 tabs on the lower half of the
box: Order & Timing, Effects, Chart Effects and Multimedia Settings.
Thank you.
You seem to be right about having to create the separate textboxes -- the MS person who responded after you confirmed it. I've been doing PowerPoint for years and I hadn't heard about "Align" or "Distribute" until now. I've found them under "Draw." That'll come in handy -- thanks a lot.
Chantzie said:
Yes, I'd like to keep the new animation settings because I just don't have
the time to find another way to solve my music problem -- and I guess can
work around this timing problem by creating separate text boxes. Thanks for
your help.

You're welcome. By the way, I'm not an MS person -- MS MVPs are volunteers
in the newsgroups.

If you want to try resolving your music problem later, holler back. I'm
betting it's an issue of getting the sounds to play across slides... If so,
that's easily fixed without disabling the new features.
Turns out I didn't have to leave my new features disabled -- it was only a work-around to enable me to get to a particular setting. So I've "un-disabled" them and now I can control the timing of each paragraph in a textbox

Thank you.
Chantzie said:
Turns out I didn't have to leave my new features disabled -- it was only a
work-around to enable me to get to a particular setting. So I've
"un-disabled" them and now I can control the timing of each paragraph in a
Thank you.

Hey, that's great news. Thanks for the followup info.