At the end of every month I import a financial report and format it for
populating 30 to different subsidiary financial reports. I have created
a macro that does this formating but, each month, the length of the
imported file changes causing the old static macro to be unusable. I
would like to create a macro that can accomodate this variability. Any
Note: The original report is about 3,400 rows long and contains
financial data for over 30 subsidiaries. The macro removes headers
marking page breaks for same subsidiary but leaves the starting header
for new subsidiary. I have all 30+ worksheets in one workbook. Each
worksheet has a standard financial format which is populated from the
import file using "VLOOKUP" statements. Thus each month the financial
results are updated by simply pasting the new import over the old one.
The problem comes when the new import is longer than the original in
the report.
populating 30 to different subsidiary financial reports. I have created
a macro that does this formating but, each month, the length of the
imported file changes causing the old static macro to be unusable. I
would like to create a macro that can accomodate this variability. Any
Note: The original report is about 3,400 rows long and contains
financial data for over 30 subsidiaries. The macro removes headers
marking page breaks for same subsidiary but leaves the starting header
for new subsidiary. I have all 30+ worksheets in one workbook. Each
worksheet has a standard financial format which is populated from the
import file using "VLOOKUP" statements. Thus each month the financial
results are updated by simply pasting the new import over the old one.
The problem comes when the new import is longer than the original in
the report.