Windows XP variable print area?

Mar 30, 2006
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I have 12 charts on a spreadsheet, but the number can vary. I want to print each chart on a separate page. Instead of setting up 12 print routines, I'd like to set up 1 routine with variable start cell and end cell settings. The starting row of each chart is offset by 22 rows from the one before it.

I have:

Public Sub PrintCharts()
	Dim StartCol As String
	Dim EndCol As String
	Dim StartRow As Single
	Dim EndRow As Single
	Dim Offset as Single
	StartCol = "A"
	EndCol = "G"
	StartRow = 1
	EndRow = 21
	Offset = 22
	'Navigate to correct spreadsheet:
	Range(Cells(StartRow, StartCol), Cells(EndRow, EndCol)).Select
	ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Selection

The Select line executes but I get an error on the last line of code, where I try to set the PrintArea to my Selection.

The error is: "Unable to set the PrintArea property of the PageSetup class"

Can anyone explain how I can achieve my goal of using variable references?

Thank you!