Dear Tom
Happy New Year, and thanks for coming to my rescue again !!
I understand the first part of your suggestion, but am not sure how I would
reference the function from within a query.
I am wondering if I am trying to make my own life too complicated.
I have a main form linked to two subforms - frmSWPurchases and frmLicences.
With sfrmSWPurchases displayed, the user clicks on a button collects two
variables (Lid and SWID). I then go to the main form and go to the record
based on the variable Lid. I then display the subform frmLicences which has
all the related records to its main form records which is OK.
However in subform frmLicences I need to limit the records displayed to
those where [SWPurchaseId] field in form frmLicences = variable SWID.
I am floundering as to how to do this. Since the variable SWID is not
supplied until after the button is clicked do I have to uswe a filter, once
i have opened the subform? Any help much appreciated
My current code:
Lid = Me.LicenceeId
SWID = Me.SWPurchaseId
Me.Parent.Form.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[RecordID]=" & Lid
Me.Parent.Form.Bookmark = Me.Parent.Form.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
Forms!frmOrganisations!frmLicences.Visible = True