M maztaz Apr 22, 2006 #1 Why do the dollar values change to a percetage when I change the char type from a clustered column chart to a Stacked Column chart
Why do the dollar values change to a percetage when I change the char type from a clustered column chart to a Stacked Column chart
B Bernard Liengme Apr 22, 2006 #2 I think you are using the 100% cluster subtype in error. Try the second subtype best wishes
M maztaz Apr 22, 2006 #3 Thanks for that. So simple. As you'll have picked up, it's all pretty new but I'm getting there. I was trying to copy an exercise in our course and the 3rd subtype seemed to be the one we had to use.
Thanks for that. So simple. As you'll have picked up, it's all pretty new but I'm getting there. I was trying to copy an exercise in our course and the 3rd subtype seemed to be the one we had to use.