Value of True etc

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim Childs
  • Start date Start date

Tim Childs


from Chip Pearson's site (I think) I got the following code:

Function ColumnLetter(R As Range) As String
ColumnLetter = Left(R.Address(False, False), _
1 - (R.Column > 26) - (R.Column > 702))
End Function

I was dead impressed as it does the trick in getting the column letters out
in Excel 2007 etc

My question is that the value true must have a value of minus one whereas I
thought it was nought as in Excel formulae. Can anyone give a simple
explanation, please?

Many thanks

hi Tim,

ActiveCell :
cln = Evaluate("SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,COLUMN()),""$"",""""),""1"","""")")

ActiveCell.Offset(,1) :
cln = Evaluate("SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,COLUMN()+1),""$"",""""),""1"","""")")

ActiveCell.Offset(,-1) :
cln = Evaluate("SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,COLUMN()-1),""$"",""""),""1"","""")")
First off, here is a simpler function to use...

Function ColumnLetter(R As Range) As String
ColumnLetter = Split(R.Address, "$")(1)
End Function

As to your question... True in VBA is -1, False is 0 whereas in Excel
worksheet functions, TRUE is +1 and FALSE is 0.

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)
Rick Rothstein has brought this to us :
First off, here is a simpler function to use...

Function ColumnLetter(R As Range) As String
ColumnLetter = Split(R.Address, "$")(1)
End Function

As to your question... True in VBA is -1, False is 0 whereas in Excel
worksheet functions, TRUE is +1 and FALSE is 0.

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)

Note that Excel worksheet functions consider TRUE as any value >0.
Hi Rick

Many thanks for neat alternative - very elegant, which is always good.
Thanks too for answer to initial question.

Best wishes
