You are right about the xml file. I had to mistakenly take incorrect
You are also right about opening the xls file in Excel 2007, but if you do
so it seems that Excel 2007 treats the cell differently and the formula
box has no formula in it - the cell seems to be value only. If we open the
same file in Excel 2003 for instance, the cell has the same value but in
formula it displays the compound formula.
Below is an XML structure for one sheet with this kind of cell (A1):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <worksheet
- <sheetPr>
<pageSetUpPr fitToPage="1" />
<dimension ref="A1" />
- <sheetViews>
<sheetView showGridLines="0" tabSelected="1" zoomScale="70"
zoomScaleNormal="70" workbookViewId="0" />
<sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="12.75" />
- <cols>
<col min="1" max="1" width="17.28515625" customWidth="1" />
- <sheetData>
- <row r="1" spans="1:1" ht="17.100000000000001" customHeight="1">
- <c r="A1" vm="1">
<printOptions horizontalCentered="1" />
<pageMargins left="0.19685039370078741" right="0"
top="0.19685039370078741" bottom="0.19685039370078741"
header="0.31496062992125984" footer="0" />
<pageSetup paperSize="9" fitToHeight="2" orientation="landscape"
horizontalDpi="4294967294" r:id="rId1" />
- <headerFooter alignWithMargins="0">
<oddFooter>&L&"Arial CE,Kursywa"&D&C&"Arial CE,Kursywa"&F</oddFooter>
What I also noticed the xl folder for the workbook contains a metadata.xml
file of this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <metadata
- <metadataTypes count="1">
<metadataType name="XLMDX" minSupportedVersion="120000" copy="1"
pasteAll="1" pasteValues="1" merge="1" splitFirst="1" rowColShift="1"
clearFormats="1" clearComments="1" assign="1" coerce="1" />
- <metadataStrings count="5">
<s v="rachunek_zyskow_i_strat" />
<s v="{[Rok finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[ 1],[Rok
finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[ 2],[Rok finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[
3],[Rok finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[ 4],[Rok
finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[ 5],[Rok finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[
6],[Rok finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[ 7],[Rok
finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[ 8],[Rok finansowy].[Wszystkie].[2009].[
9]}" />
<s v="[Measures].[Suma Kwota PLN]" />
<s v="[Rodzaj kosztu].[Wszystkie].[300].[US£UGI / MATERIA£Y
WEWNÊTRZNE].[304]" />
<s v="[Jednostka odpowiedzal].[Wszystkie].[Produkcja
warzyw].[Irrigation]" />
- <mdxMetadata count="1">
- <mdx n="0" f="v">
- <t c="4">
<n x="1" s="1" />
<n x="2" />
<n x="3" />
<n x="4" />
- <valueMetadata count="1">
- <bk>
<rc t="1" v="0" />
Hope it helps.
U¿ytkownik "Peter T said:
Even if you do not have access to 2003 you can still open a 2003 xls file
in 2007.
I was expecting you to post the xml for a sheet with only a single cell
containing your metadata. In other words with so I could reproduce it. I
did manage to create a sheet with your posted large xml. Had some
problems though, first Excel complained that | is an illegal character,
so I replaced all those with #..
Finally a large sheet opened, mainly with links to other workbooks,
sheets and named ranges. So mainly I got a sheet full of #REF! errors.
I converted the file to Excel 2003 format, but I couldn't find any of the
metadata examples you describe below. BUT - the cell information
described below does not relate to the large xml you posted. Eg, cell S53
in the xml has the value 159.1, not 0.57 as you say below.
If you want to post a single cell example of metadata I will look into
ways of identifying it.
Peter T