When I do this coding in VBA:
If txtDmdPeak.Text <= txtDtotal.Text Then
'Firm - Normal Bill
If Answer = True Then
If txtCalculatedDemand.Text < txtDsbf.Text Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = (txtDsbf.Value -
txtCalculatedDemand.Value) * txtMaxDmcFirm.Value
If txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = "" Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = "0"
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = Format
(txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value, "######.##")
End If
End If
If txtDsbf.Text < txtCalculatedDemand.Text Then
If txtCalculatedDemand.Text < txtDtotal.Text Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = (txtDtotal.Value -
txtCalculatedDemand.Value) * txtMaxDmcNonFirm.Value
If txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = "" Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = "0"
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = Format
(txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value, "######.##")
End If
End If
End If
It does not display the results on the screen for this
particular textbox. Is there anything wrong with the
properties which I set?
If txtDmdPeak.Text <= txtDtotal.Text Then
'Firm - Normal Bill
If Answer = True Then
If txtCalculatedDemand.Text < txtDsbf.Text Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = (txtDsbf.Value -
txtCalculatedDemand.Value) * txtMaxDmcFirm.Value
If txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = "" Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = "0"
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = Format
(txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value, "######.##")
End If
End If
If txtDsbf.Text < txtCalculatedDemand.Text Then
If txtCalculatedDemand.Text < txtDtotal.Text Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = (txtDtotal.Value -
txtCalculatedDemand.Value) * txtMaxDmcNonFirm.Value
If txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = "" Then
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Text = "0"
txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value = Format
(txtFirmStandbyCharge.Value, "######.##")
End If
End If
End If
It does not display the results on the screen for this
particular textbox. Is there anything wrong with the
properties which I set?