Your problem shows an example of nested
IFs and in this situation all right-parentheses
are put at the end of the formula.
The IF construct is:
IF(Condition, do-1,do-2), which means: if Condition is
true then do-1, if it's not true i.e. False, then do-2.
Nested IFs
=IF(Condition1, do-1, IF(Condition2, do-2, IF(Condition3, do-3, do-4)))
If Condition1 is true, then do-1. If Condition1 is false, then check
if condition2 is true. If it is, do-2. If not, check if Condition3 is true.
If it is, do-3. If not, do-4. The first time Excel finds a Condition,
which is true, it returns the do-that for that condition.
SUM is used on a range, e.g. SUM(F4:F10) and is a shorter
form for F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+F9+F10, so instead of SUM(H39-600),
just use H39-600.
I hope my explanation shed some light on the matter
Best Regards
Leo Heuser
Followup to newsgroup only please.
John said:
Thanks for that. It fixed the problem. Just a quick 'please explain'
I can see the differences between my formula and yours, but what
difference do the differences make. If you get my meaning
=IF(H39 said:
or the shorter form:
The shorter form works, because Excel will stop calculating
the IF-struct, when the first true condition is met.
Best Regards
Leo Heuser
Followup to newsgroup only please.