Blinky said:
Notice the implication, here, that either you or your news client
aren't capable of this? Alan's spent so much time as an
MS-worshipper that he can't conceive of cross-platform clients
(especially those that weren't Windows first) being as "capable" of
his pet OE.
Notice the the typical standard drivel emanating forth from Blinky yet
again. Blinky's spent so much time MS bashing that he's failed to see in
all the discussion, in these threads he (non)contributed to, that this
very issue he's spouting about (again) was mentioned at length by me in
the context of OE, Agent, Netscape, XNews... "Blinkered the shark" might
be a more appropriate nym I think - if he doesn't want to hear it, he'll
make damned sure he doesn't see it.
He uses his precious sig standard rant, which is *not* really an
officially adopted usenet standard anyway (so means nothing) to hide
behind when he doesn't like the truth about his MS bashing scams
exposed. Once he's looking obvious exposure and ridicule in the eye, he
leaps on the tired old sig pedantics.
He's even gone so far as to admit his use of his universal "get out of
jail" card as being fraudulent. When informed:
Ah, but Son-of-1036 is not an RFC and so carries no weight.
He replies in his childlike manner "Well, it carries more weight than
your opinion."
Prior to this, he had wrongly and knowingly claimed his all-purpose
shield to be a bona fide RCF, and had used it to castigate anyone who
posted things he didn't want to hear, in his typical netcop/ netnazi
manner. He has been dubbed "Blinky the Fraud" in this group... now you
know why... at least one of the contributing reasons.
As for the sig delimiter, it took him weeks to get it right **with
OE-QuoteFix**. If he re-fixed it, here, in just two generations of
posts, that's a miracle. He also spent a while with this variation:
invalid sig saying it was an invalid sig. Welcome to the jungle.
See what I mean? ^^^^ No cigar for me for picking that one though - it's
all toooooo predictable now. And of course, the reason for me having to
point out an invalid sig delimiter in the first place, was to stop
Blinky and his bandwidth-wasting ilk from posting a followup to every
post they didn't like (e.g. exposing the latest MS world peace security
threat being nothing more than a hyped up quirk) with their standard
banal reply "your sig is broken - nar nar na nar na!" Even they realised
they'd look total idiots, repeating what was already stated for them in
the sig text.
Don't bother, Alan -- you've been in the bozo bin so long that that
line in my score file has grown a ZZ Top beard.
Ah yes, the typical "let's have the last word" mentallity from the child
of the usenet. You'll notice how he proudly announces that I'm in his
too hard bin, but *still* can't resist answering my posts via a second
party. Remind you of anything? - screaming around in a tantrum from
behind the safety of the bars of the cage he so likes to rattle? I don't
even have to drag my stick along them to get a reaction these days - his
own senility is doing it all for me. ;-)