When some one calls in they need to provide us with their acct number
so my form will look like this
Account Number__________________
Re-enter Account Number ________________
what I need is when the account number is re-entered if it does not match a
message populates that the two account numbers do not match please re-verify
numbers and re-enter.
How can I set this up.
Again, the caller has to provide us with the number...so we can not set this
up with a drop down.
so my form will look like this
Account Number__________________
Re-enter Account Number ________________
what I need is when the account number is re-entered if it does not match a
message populates that the two account numbers do not match please re-verify
numbers and re-enter.
How can I set this up.
Again, the caller has to provide us with the number...so we can not set this
up with a drop down.