validation query



(Using, access as database and datareader to access the data)

Now i got few textboxes having attribute like name,age,phonenumber
etc.I want the txtname to contain only alpha(characters); likewise
txtage to contain number and txtphonenumber be in the format of
####-####-##(ex-9999-9999-99).­I searched the forum for this
query and got the answer that this can be done using
char.Iscontrol/Isdigit...etc..­.I got the Concept(Like it takes a
unicode character 16-bit as argument and returns a boolean value) and
unable to figure out how to implement this or is there any other way of

implementing this concept.

As i am a newbie so please explain this concept in detail.

Thankx in advance!!!!


what you do is override the OnKeyPress method and then set e.Handled =
True for cases that you wish to exclude.

a quick example to allow only numbers...

Public Class TextBox_NumericOnly : Inherits
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs)
If (Char.IsNumber(e.KeyChar)=False) Then e.Handled=True
End Sub
End Class

you don't have to create your own control -- you can simply Override
the method, but since this is a common scenario, you may want to write
your own so that you can re-use it...


stand__sure said:
what you do is override the OnKeyPress method and then set e.Handled =
True for cases that you wish to exclude.

a quick example to allow only numbers...

Public Class TextBox_NumericOnly : Inherits
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs)
If (Char.IsNumber(e.KeyChar)=False) Then e.Handled=True
' What this "handled" method suppose to do??

Ken Tucker [MVP]


Here is a link to a few free masked edit boxes.

(Using, access as database and datareader to access the data)

Now i got few textboxes having attribute like name,age,phonenumber
etc.I want the txtname to contain only alpha(characters); likewise
txtage to contain number and txtphonenumber be in the format of
####-####-##(ex-9999-9999-99).­I searched the forum for this
query and got the answer that this can be done using
char.Iscontrol/Isdigit...etc..­.I got the Concept(Like it takes a
unicode character 16-bit as argument and returns a boolean value) and
unable to figure out how to implement this or is there any other way of

implementing this concept.

As i am a newbie so please explain this concept in detail.

Thankx in advance!!!!


it stops the character from being passed to the next event handler
(i.e. it is handled and no further processing is required).

you can also do field-level testing in the Validating event handler
(normally just to display a MessageBox describing the error and to
return focus to the control via e.Cancel = True)

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