Validation of transfer of data files



Not sure if this is the right place to ask. I need to
periodically transfer data files (mix of Excel and Word)
to my various clients, by e-mail (I normally zip them
up). I am now told that I not only have to send them, but
validate that what the client has received is the same as
when it was sent (i.e. that no corruption has occurred on
it's way through the ether). I have been looking at things
like checksum programs, but they seem to depend on the
client having the same software at their end, which is not
a viable option (too many clients, too many different set
ups). Is there any method that anyone can suggest that
would help me achieve this validation of data transfer,
without requiring the recipient to have a particular piece
of software?

Many thanks.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

OT, but why can't you just upload the files to a website and let the users
download them directly? You can secure access to the website by requiring
credentials, and making it an SSL site....


Security isn't the issue. I need to validate that the
files haven't been corrupted in any way on their way
through. Website access is just a different transfer
method. Is there anything you can suggest?

Thanks, Geoff.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Security isn't the issue. I need to validate that the
files haven't been corrupted in any way on their way
through. Website access is just a different transfer
method. Is there anything you can suggest?

Thanks, Geoff.

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