Validation of cells



Hi every1!!

Need some help on validating the content of cells.
Im used to working with Access,so this is a little different for

One of the worksheet im working on has about 10 cells that gather
info on the manufacturer using this spreadSheet.

So its set up like this:
Company Name _________X__________
Address ___________________
Phone ___________________

So far ive used the: DAta -> validation.
Ive done this on the first one.(Where the X is)

So far to get this to work,the user as to double-click to enter the cell,
then, if he leaves without entering anything, the custum validation
kicks-in.I've removed the check mark in the Ignore box and in the formula
section,it points to that cell.

Is there an easier way of doing this. Right now if the user doesnt
double-click the cell,the validation will never happen.

Could i perhaps make this validation(to see if any of those fields or empty)
only when he leaves this worksheet.(Might be easier this way,just dont know
how to accomplish this)

Would prefer that way,can anyone help me out with this.
Thx in advance for any help you guys can give me.


Tom Ogilvy

I have never seen validation that required a double click.

Validation only works on entry.

You would need to write VBA code to do the departure validation you

Perhaps it would be easier to put up a userform and have the user fill that
out. You would have more control that way.

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