Rolf Welskes
I have the following:
a form, a datasource, in the form I have tabs, menus, listboxes, a
datagridView and textboxes.
All is bound to the datasource and works fine.
Now I have (beside other) with the textBox-events Valdiating and Validated
the validation of the textboxes which must be numbers.
If I enter a non number and change to another textbox, the errorProvider
sets the icon beside the textbox with the error message.
All is fine.
Futher more in such a case the listbox, tabs, etc. all are block as long as
I have not corrected the error.
I have a menu and the menu is not blocked, so the user could close the
application without knowing from the error.
Furthermore and that is very hard:
I can go to the datagridview, change the rows and work.
Since the textboxes are bound to the same datasource as the DataGridView,
the error is lost.
So how to block the user to use the menu and especially the datagridview
when an error in the textbox appears.
Thank you for any help.
Rolf Welskes
I have the following:
a form, a datasource, in the form I have tabs, menus, listboxes, a
datagridView and textboxes.
All is bound to the datasource and works fine.
Now I have (beside other) with the textBox-events Valdiating and Validated
the validation of the textboxes which must be numbers.
If I enter a non number and change to another textbox, the errorProvider
sets the icon beside the textbox with the error message.
All is fine.
Futher more in such a case the listbox, tabs, etc. all are block as long as
I have not corrected the error.
I have a menu and the menu is not blocked, so the user could close the
application without knowing from the error.
Furthermore and that is very hard:
I can go to the datagridview, change the rows and work.
Since the textboxes are bound to the same datasource as the DataGridView,
the error is lost.
So how to block the user to use the menu and especially the datagridview
when an error in the textbox appears.
Thank you for any help.
Rolf Welskes