Validation controls work differently on remote server


Peter Afonin


I have several aspx pages with multiple validation controls. On my PC they
work as they should - if validation fails, the error messages are displayed
and the page is not submitted.

When I upload my web site to the remote server (which is my web hosting
provider's server) they work differently. The error messages are still
displayed if validation fails, however, it doesn't prevent the page from
being submitted.

Why is this happening? Can I do something about it, or I should ask my
hosting provider to modify something?

I would appreciate your advice.

Thank you,

P.J. Pirrello

It's possibly that the remote server doesn't have the aspnet_client
javascript includes installed. If they aren't available, I believe the
client side validation will not function, and you will only get the server
side validation (which validates only after a postback) You should get a
javascript error though, so not 100% sure. You can install the client side
includes by running aspnet_regiis -c.

You can get more info on all of what you can do with aspnet_regiis at:

Hope that helps,
-PJ Pirrello

Peter Afonin

Thank you, I'll try this.


P.J. Pirrello said:
It's possibly that the remote server doesn't have the aspnet_client
javascript includes installed. If they aren't available, I believe the
client side validation will not function, and you will only get the server
side validation (which validates only after a postback) You should get a
javascript error though, so not 100% sure. You can install the client side
includes by running aspnet_regiis -c.

You can get more info on all of what you can do with aspnet_regiis at:

Hope that helps,
-PJ Pirrello

Peter Afonin

You were correct. I asked my provider to follow your instructions and to
install javascript includes, they did it and now it all works fine. Thank

P.J. Pirrello said:
It's possibly that the remote server doesn't have the aspnet_client
javascript includes installed. If they aren't available, I believe the
client side validation will not function, and you will only get the server
side validation (which validates only after a postback) You should get a
javascript error though, so not 100% sure. You can install the client side
includes by running aspnet_regiis -c.

You can get more info on all of what you can do with aspnet_regiis at:

Hope that helps,
-PJ Pirrello

It's New! It's Beige!

Peter said:
You were correct. I asked my provider to follow your instructions and to

man, thanks for posting that.

you saved my ass on a project with that shit !

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