Validation Controls Stopped Working on the server, but work on the local machine


Just D.


Did anybody see this bug? We're having two login pages in a huge
application, both are with validation controls. Everything works just great
on two developer's machines working under Windows XP Pro and all SPs
installed. When I upload the app to our production server still working
under Win2000AdvancedServer the validation controls don't work at all, when
I click the button causing the Validate() the program redirects who knows
where if any of under-controlled controls are not having the text info that
should be entered to make them happy. I spent a few hours today trying to
understand what's going on. Debug/Release mode - nothing. Maybe the service
packs or some system libraries are different on machines? Does anybody have
any idea to explain what's heppening?

Actually we already got a strange problem with one of the system libraries
returning the current page, it was funny, but one system returns the correct
page, another system using another system libs returns the same page with
the first underscore sign. Very Cool! Congrts, Microsoft!

But what can I do with the validation controls? I can't exclude them. Maybe
MS sent some security patch fixing this problem so that the controls stopped
working? I have no idea...

Please help, who knows.

Just D.


I had exactly the same issue before, and it had to do with different
versions of client-sided validation script .NET embeds.
You can copy your WebUIValidation.js from dev machine (in aspnet_client
folder) to production server, or reinstall it on the production server.

Hope it helps,

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