Andy Eshtry
I need to validate a textbox control using the validation control so that
user can enter only string (character) type not numbers
I used comparevalidator and set the "Operator" property to "Datatype check"
and "Type" property to "String" but I can enter numbers and this is not I
Also I used Regular expression validator and set the validation expression
to "\w {n}" means any number of characters or \w {n} [a-z] [A-Z] means only
characters between A-Z and a-z but I can enter number .
Please help.
Best Regards
Andy Eshtry
user can enter only string (character) type not numbers
I used comparevalidator and set the "Operator" property to "Datatype check"
and "Type" property to "String" but I can enter numbers and this is not I
Also I used Regular expression validator and set the validation expression
to "\w {n}" means any number of characters or \w {n} [a-z] [A-Z] means only
characters between A-Z and a-z but I can enter number .
Please help.
Best Regards
Andy Eshtry