reg:vb.net-pocket pc
I have set the maximize and minimize button of my form to false, so that
only the OK button is displayed. If the OK button is clicked, the form is
I have to perform a validation before closing the form. If it is true, the
form can be closed, otherwise a messagebox should be displayed and the form
should not be closed.
In which event of the form, I have to write the code? Only closing & closed
events are available. Both these events closes the form. I have used the
Exit Sub in these two events, but no use.
reg:vb.net-pocket pc
I have set the maximize and minimize button of my form to false, so that
only the OK button is displayed. If the OK button is clicked, the form is
I have to perform a validation before closing the form. If it is true, the
form can be closed, otherwise a messagebox should be displayed and the form
should not be closed.
In which event of the form, I have to write the code? Only closing & closed
events are available. Both these events closes the form. I have used the
Exit Sub in these two events, but no use.