I understand that for end-user performance reasons it is recommended to use
lookup controls within forms to lookup related info between tables as opposed
to lookup fields within tables. Does the same hold true for a small Value
List Lookup to enforce consistent input within a single table?
If so, is it ok to use Validation within table fields as an alternative?
For instance, if the Validation Rule Property is set to ...
= "Q" Or "C" Or "D" Or "R"
and the Validation Text Property error message is ...
Only single characters are allowed where...
Q = Question, C = Clarification, D = Deficiecy, and R = Request
Is it better to also set up a single-select combobox in the form where the
first of 2 columns is bound and 0 width, and RowSource is set to following?
I'm thinking doing both will ensure intended input if entered directly in a
table or through a form. Or is doing both redundant for no reason? Or will it
also slow performance?
Your insight is appreciated!
lookup controls within forms to lookup related info between tables as opposed
to lookup fields within tables. Does the same hold true for a small Value
List Lookup to enforce consistent input within a single table?
If so, is it ok to use Validation within table fields as an alternative?
For instance, if the Validation Rule Property is set to ...
= "Q" Or "C" Or "D" Or "R"
and the Validation Text Property error message is ...
Only single characters are allowed where...
Q = Question, C = Clarification, D = Deficiecy, and R = Request
Is it better to also set up a single-select combobox in the form where the
first of 2 columns is bound and 0 width, and RowSource is set to following?
I'm thinking doing both will ensure intended input if entered directly in a
table or through a form. Or is doing both redundant for no reason? Or will it
also slow performance?
Your insight is appreciated!