Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict without javascript shows an error on ie6/ie7

  • Thread starter Thread starter theonlydrayk
  • Start date Start date
Windows XP SP2 build 2600 English
Internet Explorer 6.0.2900

the page is :

W3C valids my html 1.0 strict and the CSS is valid

and Internet Explorer shows me a exclamation yellow icon
at the left bottom with 'error on page'

anyone knows what's wrong with this browser ?
how i can see what means this error ?

When I open the page with Firefox, I get this JavaScript error message,
so the page may validate, but the JavaScript code is not right:

Error: document.f has no properties
Source File:
Line: 1
Windows XP SP2 build 2600 English
Internet Explorer 6.0.2900

the page is :

W3C valids my html 1.0 strict and the CSS is valid

and Internet Explorer shows me a exclamation yellow icon
at the left bottom with 'error on page'

anyone knows what's wrong with this browser ?
how i can see what means this error ?

Is your domain? If not, why are you trying to validate
the HTML code on a redirection page (which probably has scripts behind
it that does the redirection)? How come you aren't validating your page