V-Lookup variation query

  • Thread starter Thread starter njcr83
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I am having an issue with comparing columns of values.

Basically I have a table similar to the below except with a couple of
thousand lines.
Either the first column will have a value that doesn't match with the second
column or vice versa so basically I need Excel (2002) to begin at the top and
compare the values until it finds a mis-match, extract that value (perhaps to
another sheet) and continue down the columns doing the same thing until the

46,898,748.00 46,898,800.00
2,365,412.00 2,365,412.00
15,465.00 15,465.00
4,864.00 4,864.00
41,564.00 54,156.00
48,642.00 41,564.00
1,564,968.00 48,642.00
4,589,846.00 1,564,968.00
5,852,852.00 4,589,846.00
6,458,456.00 5,852,852.00

At the moment I manually do this so, using the above example, I would go
down the list until the amount of 54,156.00 which I would cut and paste into
a different sheet and then delete the cell with that value so the rest of the
values on the right move up and match until the final amount on the left of
6,458,456.00 which would also be removed as it also doesn't have a match.

With a couple of thousand items this is very time-consuming. I'm not sure if
a v-lookup would help or perhaps a macro but any help would be greatly

Many thanks in advance

One way. copy col b to the end of col a>delete col b>sort col a>use a macro
from the bottom up

sub nodups()
dim i as long
for i=cells(rows.count,1).end(xlup).row to 2 step -1
if cells(i-1,1)=cells(i,1) the rows(i).delete
next i
end sub
Assuming your data is in A2:B11, enter the following formulas:

C2 =IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2,$B$2:$B$11,0)),

D2 =IF(ISNA(MATCH(B2,$A$2:$A$11,0)),

E2 =IF(COUNT($C$2:$D$11)>=ROW(A1),

F2 =IF(E2="","",INDEX($A$2:$B$11,INT((E2+1)/2),

Copy C2 and D2 down to the end of your data, Copy E2 and F2 down until you
get blanks.