Hi George,
I assume you are not looking for ink for a specific printer at this
point, but more just specific materials for some project or production.
The reason I say this is inkjet printers use differing technologies
(the main ones are thermal and piezo technologies) and this can alter
what can and cannot be done with the printer in terms of the inks that
can be used.
To answer your questions in a general sense, I would imagine UV inks
are made and available for inkjet printers.
You did not specify if the UV inks you require need to be visible or
invisible in daylight.
Many ink formulations for inkjet printers are available in large
quantities, in black and colors.
No, the inks used for I'm assuming fountain pens are not formulated for
inkjet printers. SOme people have tried them, and sometimes they have
been lucky enough to get them to work for a while, but they do not have
the same specifications (viscosity, drying time, dielectric charge,
density, pigment grain size (if you are think of something like India
inks), etc.
Inkjet printers are inexpensive enough, and you can probably fine older
used one, that if you wish to experiment and try different ink formulas,
change dilution and such, you can see what might work, but you could
conceivable damage the head and therefore make the printer non-functional.
Inkjet technology is being used to do everything from printing circuit
boards, to printing pills and capsules, to printing onto plastics and
metals, and so on, with the right ink formulas and the right inkjet
design almost anything is possible.