Hello, (first time user)
I am curious as to whether or not I can burn a CD from my computer,
specifically a particular UTube video. I have Nero 7 and WMP11. My equip. -
Lite-On DVDRW SHM-165HSOE (CD/DVD drive. Win XP serv. pack 3. Processor -
Intel Pentium 4,2.6 GB, Ram - 1.00 GB. Sound - C-Media wave device AC97
audio device. Browser I.E. 7. Video card - Radeon 9600, ver.8.421.0.0. Also,
which CD must be used for this? Currently, I have CD-RWs. Finally, which of
the 2 (Nero and WMP 11) would be the EASIEST to work with.
Thank you, in advance. 'Hope to get advice, soon.
Don Hirth, MS.
I am curious as to whether or not I can burn a CD from my computer,
specifically a particular UTube video. I have Nero 7 and WMP11. My equip. -
Lite-On DVDRW SHM-165HSOE (CD/DVD drive. Win XP serv. pack 3. Processor -
Intel Pentium 4,2.6 GB, Ram - 1.00 GB. Sound - C-Media wave device AC97
audio device. Browser I.E. 7. Video card - Radeon 9600, ver.8.421.0.0. Also,
which CD must be used for this? Currently, I have CD-RWs. Finally, which of
the 2 (Nero and WMP 11) would be the EASIEST to work with.
Thank you, in advance. 'Hope to get advice, soon.
Don Hirth, MS.