Vadim Rapp
In case someone needs... when ADP or ADE connects to sql server with
integrated authentication, the developer's machine name appears in sql
server instead of the user's machine, because ADP hardcodes the development
machine name into the connection string. I wrote a small program that will
patch adp or ade and erase the hardcoded machine name. It's at
www.vadimrapp.com/software ; free for any use.
Vadim Rapp
In case someone needs... when ADP or ADE connects to sql server with
integrated authentication, the developer's machine name appears in sql
server instead of the user's machine, because ADP hardcodes the development
machine name into the connection string. I wrote a small program that will
patch adp or ade and erase the hardcoded machine name. It's at
www.vadimrapp.com/software ; free for any use.
Vadim Rapp