This is the query I've created to capture clients who have requested repairs
and have received them and also requested repairs and not received them. I
used a yes/no data type as the indicator. When I run the query all of the
entries in the DB show up. 1. How do I display only the entries where either
situation has been checked? 2. Also, Is there a way to get a count of who has
requested repairs and received them and who has requested repairs and not
received them with yes/no as the indicator?
SELECT [TableName].ClientID, [TableName].[First Name], [TableName].[Last
Name], [TableName].Address, [TableName].AptNo, [TableName].City,
[TableName].State, [TableName].RepairRequestDate, [TableName].[Repairs
Req/Rec'd], [TableName].DateRepairsCompleted, [TableName].[Repairs Req/Not
Rec'd], [TableName].[Type of Repair]
FROM [TableName];
and have received them and also requested repairs and not received them. I
used a yes/no data type as the indicator. When I run the query all of the
entries in the DB show up. 1. How do I display only the entries where either
situation has been checked? 2. Also, Is there a way to get a count of who has
requested repairs and received them and who has requested repairs and not
received them with yes/no as the indicator?
SELECT [TableName].ClientID, [TableName].[First Name], [TableName].[Last
Name], [TableName].Address, [TableName].AptNo, [TableName].City,
[TableName].State, [TableName].RepairRequestDate, [TableName].[Repairs
Req/Rec'd], [TableName].DateRepairsCompleted, [TableName].[Repairs Req/Not
Rec'd], [TableName].[Type of Repair]
FROM [TableName];