How do you do things like the following with
Option Strict On
Dim ColSuggestions As Word.SpellingSuggestions
Dim WordApp As Object = New Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As New Word.Document
WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Add(Template:="Normal.dot", NewTemplate:=False)
WordDoc.Range.Text = someText
colSuggestions = WordApp.GetSpellingSuggestions(colSpellErrors.Item(1).Text)
Thanks for any suggestions
Option Strict On
Dim ColSuggestions As Word.SpellingSuggestions
Dim WordApp As Object = New Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As New Word.Document
WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Add(Template:="Normal.dot", NewTemplate:=False)
WordDoc.Range.Text = someText
colSuggestions = WordApp.GetSpellingSuggestions(colSpellErrors.Item(1).Text)
Thanks for any suggestions