Christopher Johnson
I have a secure Access 2002 database that runs on a
network with everyone accessing it from their own
personal or shared computers running Windows XP. There
is a function that allow the users to import a text file
document from the root C: drive. This all works fine,
howver our IT department is going to begin restricting
access to the C: drive on all computers so I would like
them to be able to do this import with the file on their
desktop. Can I somehow use the Windows environment
varible %USERPROFILE% to do this? If so, how? Right now
I have this:
textfile = "C:\" & inputfilename & ".txt"
I tried this and it did not work:
textfile = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\" & inputfilename
& ".txt"
Christopher Johnson
network with everyone accessing it from their own
personal or shared computers running Windows XP. There
is a function that allow the users to import a text file
document from the root C: drive. This all works fine,
howver our IT department is going to begin restricting
access to the C: drive on all computers so I would like
them to be able to do this import with the file on their
desktop. Can I somehow use the Windows environment
varible %USERPROFILE% to do this? If so, how? Right now
I have this:
textfile = "C:\" & inputfilename & ".txt"
I tried this and it did not work:
textfile = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\" & inputfilename
& ".txt"
Christopher Johnson