Using Visual Basic form to enter data

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Carpineta \(Matco Electric\)
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Stephen Carpineta \(Matco Electric\)

Good morning/afternoon/evening all propspective help-

I am trying to create a visual basic UserForm that will
collect several pieces of data including many text
variables as well as an image, if possible. I want to
essentially use the "Data - Form" command, with
the "search by criteria' functionality, but with a form
that I've created in VB. So I guess this is a two

Is it possible, and if so, HOW, do I use a form that I've
created in place of the default form that "Data - Form"
gives you (all values lined up vertically.)

ALSO, is it possible, and if so how ;>, do I embed an
image into a cell so that it may be viewed full-size upon
clicking it? Almost an "attachment," per se, present in
the cell but not viewable until activated?

Thanks so much for all your help,

Steve Carpineta
Hi Stephen,
Install the Template Wizard with Data Tracking.

johnf202 at hotmail dot com