Using VB.NET to read an Excel 2003 file

  • Thread starter Eliézer Madeira de Campos
  • Start date

Eliézer Madeira de Campos

I'm trying to use VB.NET to read an Excel 2003 file, so to process its data
and eventually store (some of) it into a SQL Server 2000 database. However,
I'm not quite understanding Office/Excel 2003 object models, and couldn't
find any documentation on it.
Anybody out there has any experience in doing so? Or has a better idea to
acomplish those goals?
I've searched the web looking for samples, but couldn't find any. Did
anybody have a better luck than me?

Eliézer M de Campos
Caxias do Sul RS, Brazil

CJ Taylor

I believe 2003 is 100% .NET compatible, in which case you would have to add
a reference in your project references. But it should be either a .NET
component or a COM component (at the least) called Excel. It might install
another library or 2 into the project (Excel 10.0 installs VBIDE I believe)
in which case you will get all your functionlaity in the Excel namespace.

Hope it helps.

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