Using VB.Net to execute JavaScript

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter Dickson
  • Start date Start date

Peter Dickson

I am trying to pull data from a website into a database. Part of the
website I am getting the data uses javascript to display the data.

The only variable being passed to the javascript when it is executed is a
record number (Ex: javascipt:getDetails('123456789')

Can VB.Net control execute the javascript? If so, does anyone have an
example of how it can be done.

Best thing to do would be to automate a webbrowser control embedded on a form. You should then be able to execute javascript that way.

Also, you might want to try and look at the code behind the getDetails()
function. It is probably just forwarding to another URL passing the record
# as part of the querystring.

Andrés Becerra
Pennsylvania, USA
Email not posted due to email stealing A**H***S that poll newsgroups.